UFC 4-171-05
1 January 2005
with change 25 October 2006
Guide. Designers should verify if such USAR specific guidance is available.
Spaces within structures are also defined as inhabited and uninhabited. The
following spaces are uninhabited; all others are considered inhabited unless they are
defined as primary gathering spaces.
3-14.2.1 Training Center Uninhabited Spaces
Chair and table storage
Library storage
Training aid storage
COMSEC storage
Publication storage
Unit and individual storage
Staging area
Janitorial storage
Facility maintenance storage
Vending alcove
3-14.2.2 OMS/AMSA/DS/GS/Warehouse Uninhabited Spaces
AMSA workbay
Tools and parts storage
Storage room
Battery room
Supply room
Unheated storage
Warehouse area
The AT/FP criteria require a minimum standoff distance from property lines to
inhabited structures, and to primary gathering structures. Uncontrolled parking and
roadways also require minimum setbacks from primary gathering areas, and from
inhabited structures or areas.
If the minimum standoff distances for the entire building or facility cannot be
provided due to site constraints, the uninhabited spaces listed above may be located
within the standoff distance. The inhabited and primary gathering spaces must be kept
outside the standoff; if this is not possible, the building must be designed to withstand a
blast in accordance with the criteria.
Trash containers must be kept a minimum distance from inhabited structures,
and from primary gathering areas. This includes trash containers serving the kitchen
area; they must be a minimum distance from the assembly hall.