UFC 4-171-05
1 January 2005
with change 25 October 2006
Ventilation comply with ASHRAE 62.1
Lighting 50 fc
Voice/data telephone and data outlets
\ Furniture
Workstations similar to full-time offices above with two (2) guest chairs each
Lateral file for each workstation
Freestanding literature rack (wall mounted optional)
Lounge chairs or table and chairs in a seating area as space allows
Contact Louisville District, Corps of Engineers for latest information on
Recruiting/Retention Offices furniture requirements.
Verify if printers, fax machines, coffee machines, etc., will be provided by
Dedicated 20A circuit for any large printer
special features or considerations
Space for Tenants literature racks may be required /1/
Family Support Office
4-2.5.1 This space is for the use of the Tenants family support groups, and for unit
members families when they are meeting with the family support groups. It should be
located near the main entry to be easily accessible to the visiting family members. The
space authorization is typically 200 sf (18.6 sq m).
4-2.5.2 Consider providing a window or door sidelight into an adjacent lobby or
corridor but provide blinds to allow for privacy when needed.
4-2.5.3 Furniture should be coordinated with the Tenants, most prefer some
workspaces with visitor chairs, and a seating group around a coffee table. Consider a
small refrigerator for drinks for visiting family members.
4-2.5.4 Space Design Information: Design of these spaces should be similar to the
recruiting/retention offices above and the same space design information applies.
Administrative Support
Message Center/Mailroom
4- The message center is the point for receipt and distribution of all interoffice
and intraoffice correspondence. This space will not be staffed full-time, but will provide a
sorting and mail pickup area.
4- The message center should be enclosed and equipped with a lockable door