UFC 4-171-05
1 January 2005
with change 25 October 2006
Information Technology (IT)
Refer to criteria memo
4- The information technology rooms are separate from the telephone room,
which is the service entrance for the telephone service. All facilities will have a network
operations center (NOC) room and an NOC electrical closet. As facilities increase in
size, a work area is added. A facility designated as a Direct Reporting Command (DRC)
or RRC headquarters receives office and work space for the NOC staff in lieu of the
work area, plus a secure NOC and an IT closet.
4- The sizes of the IT spaces also vary based on the facility size and
designation; the specific space authorizations will be provided in the project documents.
4- In larger or multistory facilities, additional IT hub rooms may be required to
maintain compliance with the restriction of 91 meters (300 ft) maximum for IT cable runs
beyond a hub. The minimum size for an IT hub room is 3050 mm by 4250 mm (10 ft by
14 ft). Cable runs are simplified between additional IT rooms in multistory facilities when
the rooms are stacked or at least overlapped.
4- Refer to the "USAR Information Technology Requirements for Military
Construction Army Reserve" for the specific size, equipment and furniture requirements
of the IT spaces.
Figure 4-9
4- Space Design Information
Size varies
Occupancy business
Occupancy count 1 person per 100 sf (9.3 sq m)
Minimum STC rating 40
Ceiling height
Floor static-dissipative VCT
Base rubber
Walls painted gypsum board
Ceiling exposed structure, painted
Trim \ none/2/
Lockset storeroom or classroom
Heating - occupied 68 degrees F (20 C); maintained 55 degrees F (13C)
Cooling - occupied and maintained 78 degrees F (25 C)
Ventilation comply with ASHRAE 62.1
Separate, dedicated HVAC units; size air conditioning equipment for specific IT
room requirements
Lighting 50 fc Receptacles convenience duplexes