UFC 4-171-05
1 January 2005
with change 25 October 2006
Heating, occupied 68 degrees F (20 C); maintained 55 degrees F (13 C)
Cooling, occupied none; maintained none
Ventilation comply with ASHRAE 62.1
Lighting 10 fc
Receptacles convenience duplex plus dedicated outlet for PA
Voice/data none
\ Furniture
Table caddies for assembly hall folding tables
Chair dollies for assembly hall stacking chairs
Storage cabinet for PA system for Assembly Hall
PA system for Assembly Hall with amplifier and minimum of two (2) or three (3)
wireless clip-on type microphones
special features or considerations
Conduit to roof-mounted AM/FM antenna may be desired voice/data outlet for
If fold-up tables with attached stools or benches are provided, ensure that the
door into chair storage is tall enough to accommodate the height of these
items folded into their mobile configuration/1/
4-2.10.1 The kitchen module provides space for training of cooks, and for preparation
of meals. It includes space for food preparation, cooking, serving and for the storage
and cleaning of cookware and serving ware, and is divided into four areas. It is strongly
recommended that designers of non-MDS projects request a copy of the MDS standard
kitchen drawings for reference.
4-2.10.2 The kitchen area is the area where food is prepared, cooked, and served. The
scullery is the area where soiled cooking and serving ware is cleaned, and stored when
clean. The food storage area provides space for storage of perishable and
nonperishable food, and kitchen supplies. The office provides administrative space for
the kitchen supervisor.
4-2.10.3 Security requires rated coiling doors at the openings for food serving and tray
return between the kitchen and Assembly Hall. Code analysis may require these coiling
to be fire rated doors and on smoke-detector-activated hold-opens.
4-2.10.4 Space Design Information
Size 811 sf (75.3 sq m)
Occupancy business
Occupancy count 1 person per 100 sf (9.3 sq m)