UFC 4-171-05
1 January 2005
with change 25 October 2006
amps, connected ahead of the main in the electrical room. A 3/4 in (19 mm) rigid
conduit will be provided from the telephone terminal board to a junction box located in
the arms vault and a 3/4 in (19 mm) rigid conduit from the arms vault junction box to a
recessed junction box mounted on the building exterior.
4-2.11.5 Provide a 110 volt outlet and a 2 in (50 mm) diameter floor drain for the
dehumidifier. These should be located adjacent to each other and outside of the caged
4-2.11.6 Battery backup, fluorescent fixtures to illuminate the vault door should be
provided over the vault door if it opens into a corridor or other space other than the
armorer s room, such as the assembly hall of unit storage. These lights will be
connected directly to the panel board. If the vault door opens into the armorer s room,
this egress lighting should instead be provided outside the armorer s room door.
4-2.11.7 Coordinate lighting and caging layout to allow caging walls to extend to
ceiling. In laying out arms vaults, use a 5 ft (1525 mm) module for width to allow a 3 ft
(915 mm) aisle between 10-1/4 in (260 mm) wide rifle racks. Use a 3 ft (915 mm)
module for length to allow for 3 ft (915 mm) rifle racks.
4-2.11.8 Gun racks and containers are Government-supplied and installed. Wire
caging on the modules described above is to be provided in vaults serving more than
one military unit if requested. \ GSA approved Class 5 /2/ containers (safes) are
approved for use instead of small arms storage racks and arms rooms where small
quantities of weapons, central firing components and related ammunition are stored.
Specific cabinets authorized for use are listed in AR 190-11.
4-2.11.9 A dehumidifier outside the caged area should be provided. A fire extinguisher
should be located adjacent to the motion detection control box, both of which should be
outside caged areas.
4-2.11.10 Anchorments for securing weapons in the racks should be provided in the
floor, and must be coordinated with floor construction and reinforcing. Floor
anchorments should not protrude from floor, and must be coordinated with slab
thickness and reinforcing; consider using airport mooring eyes, as manufactured by
Neenah Foundry and others. \ MDS arms vault configurations indicate floor anchor
4-2.11.11 For revitalization programs, modular arms vaults are acceptable if they meet
the criteria of \Federal Specification AA-V-2737 /2/, Modular Vault Systems, and are
approved by GSA. One manufacturer of such vaults is CustomVault Corporation,
Alexandria, VA; their vaults must be installed in humidity-controlled environments. A new
floor may be required, depending on condition of existing floor.