UFC 4-171-05
1 January 2005
with change 25 October 2006
Floor carpet \tle/2/ \/2/
Base rubber
Walls painted gypsum board
Ceiling suspended acoustical ceiling tile (ACT)
Trim chair rail to protect walls \, coat rack mounted to the wall /2/
Lockset classroom
Heating, occupied 68 degrees F (20 C); maintained 55 degrees F (13 C)
Cooling, occupied 78 degrees F (25 C); maintained ambient
Ventilation comply with ASHRAE 62.1
Lighting 50 fc
\ - Provide receptacle for ceiling mounted overhead projector
- Provide duplex receptacle in floor under the table /2/
Voice/data telephone and data outlets, \ located in wall and in floor under
the table /2/
\ - Provide conduit from the overhead projector location to a wall box on
wall opposite proposed screen location /2/
\ Furniture
Figure 4-16
\ Foldng/2/ tables with t-legs
Library Reading Room
Mid-back upholstered chairs with arms
Credenza storage unit
Lockable storage cabinet with shelves
Marker board with 2" map rail /1/
special features or considerations
Verify whether Tenants require
computer power, voice/data
receptacles, marker boards, etc., for use as a conference or meeting room
\ Provide blocking in ceiling for an overhead projector /2/
Library Storage
4-2.15.1 This space is for the storage of the graphic aids, training modules, bulk
training modules and other materials to support the training function. The space should
be designed to maximize storage space and shelving.
4-2.15.2 Space Design Information
Size 10 % times Library Reading Room authorization
Occupancy business
Occupancy count not occupied; typically 1 person per 300 sf
Minimum STC rating 40