UFC 4-171-05
1 January 2005
with change 25 October 2006
Ceiling suspended acoustical ceiling tile (ACT)
Trim none
Lockset storeroom
Heating, occupied and maintained 55 degrees F (13 C)
Cooling none
Ventilation incidental
Lighting 30 fc
Voice/data wall phone
\ \/2/ Lockable storage cabinets with shelves
TV/VCR cart, one (1) for every two (2) classrooms; minimum one (1) per
project; to be stored in training aid storage rooms /1/
special features or considerations
Ordinary hazard sprinklers
COMSEC Training
4-2.18.1 This is a classroom-type space for instruction and updating of secure
communication techniques, procedures and information. This space, and the COMSEC
Storage space, will rarely be authorized in the future, and should be verified with Using
Service COMSEC personnel.
4-2.18.2 If the COMSEC training room houses a safe for the storage of COMSEC
materials, the training room must be constructed to show evidence of attempted entry -
see 4-2.19 below. The walls, ceilings and openings of the room must provide sufficient
sound attenuation to preclude inadvertent disclosure of conversation to adjacent non-
COMSEC spaces.
4-2.18.3 Space Design Information
Size varies
Occupancy business, unless above governs
Occupancy count 1 person per 20 sf (1.9 sq m)
Minimum STC rating 40
Ceiling height 8 ft - 8 in (2600 mm)
Floor carpet \tle/2/; VCT as an alternative
Base rubber
Walls painted gypsum board
Ceiling painted gypsum board
Trim none