UFC 4-171-05
1 January 2005
with change 25 October 2006
4-2.11.12 Space Design Information
Size varies
Occupancy business
Occupancy count not occupied; typically 1 person per 300 sf
Minimum STC rating not applicable
Ceiling height 8 ft - 2 in (2500 mm) minimum
Floor sealed concrete
Base none
Walls painted concrete
Ceiling exposed structure, painted
Trim none
Lockset by vault door supplier
Cooling none
Ventilation 0.5 cfm/sf (2.5 L/S/SQM) thru transfer ducts; duct openings must
comply with AR 190-11
Lighting 50 fc;
and one for IDS panel.
Voice/data dedicated telephone connection to IDS supervision
\ Intrusion Detention System (IDS). IDS alarm signal transmitter shall be
Advantor Plus for signal transmissions to Fort McCoy for off-post vaults.
Exterior local alarm bell required for all vaults./2/
\ There is no furniture provided for this room function/1/
special features or considerations
24-hour fluorescent, vandal-proof fixture outside vault door, above door
Power, conduit and boxes for intrusion detection system (IDS) if by Government
Minimize penetrations in vault envelope
Tenants may want a lockable pass-thru in the vault s day gate for weapons
Armorer s Room
4-2.12.1 The armorer s room provides a space for weapons issue, inspection, training,
cleaning and repair.
4-2.12.2 If the arms vault door opens into the armorer s room, a physical security light
is required outside the armorer s room door - see 4-2.11.6.