UFC 4-171-05
1 January 2005
with change 25 October 2006
Minimum STC rating 40
Ceiling height 8 ft - 8 in (2600 mm)
Floor \ textured quarry tile in walk area, smooth quarry tile under equipment
Base \ Ceramic Tile/2/
Walls \ Ceramic Tile on CMU/2/
Ceiling epoxy-painted cement board
Trim stainless steel corner guards and door kick plates
Locksets office, classroom, storeroom and panic
Heating, occupied 68 degrees F (20 C); maintained 55 degrees F (13 C)
Cooling, occupied 80 degrees F (27 C); maintained ambient
Ventilation comply with ASHRAE 62.1 and NFPA 96
Lighting 50 fc for office and 70 fc for kitchen; 30 fc for scullery and food
Receptacles convenience duplex in addition to equipment requirements
Voice/data voice/data outlet for office
\ Furniture
Single or double pedestal desk (metal desk - based furniture)
Mid-back desk chair with arms.
Lateral file
special features or considerations
Exhaust hood over cooking equipment verify fire protection requirements,
\ limited to wet chemical or automatic sprinkler system installed in
accordance with NFPA 96 direct-fired makeup air unit per NFPA 96 /2/
Typically must be separated by rated construction
Wet location light fixtures
\Contactor/2/ to shut down power to equipment under hood coordinate with
fire protection
A grease trap must be provided
May require an adjacent exterior concrete pad for MKT - 30 ft by 30 ft
(9.2 sq m by 9.2 sq m) /1/
\ Locate fire suppression cabinet along path of egress./2/
Arms Vault
4-2.11.1 The arms vault provides secure storage of all weapons assigned to units at
the facility. Ammunition may be stored in small amounts in some instances. The arms
vault will not be located on an exterior wall.
4-2.11.2 Construction of the vault is governed by AR 190-11, and will be cast-in-place,
reinforced concrete. In general, walls must be 8 in \ (205 /2/ mm) thick minimum,
reinforced with #4 (13 mm) reinforcing bars at 9 in (230 mm) on center each way, each