The above conduits should be used only by the device
contractor for both power and control wiring. Power and control
wiring should be run in separate conduits.
19F3A and 19F3C Structures
General. The 19F3A and 19F3C structures will be used
to train the General Shipboard Firefighting Training Course,
J-495-0412; Advanced Shipboard Firefighting Evaluating Course,
A-495-0419; and Advanced Shipboard Firefighting Team Training
Course, J-495-0424. The structure is designed to train in a
single shift an 0412 class of 60 students and can train up to
four classes or 240 students each week; an 0419 class of 30
students and can train up to one class or 30 students each week;
and an 0424 class of 30 students and can train up to two classes
or 60 students each week. Splitting the year evenly, this
trainer can teach 6000 students the general course and 1500
students the advanced team course annually.
structures are in Appendix D.
a) The 19F3A and 19F3C structures are a single
building which includes 19F1A and 19F1B type structures and 19F3
and 19F3B-B3 buildings connected by a large covered staging
area. The respective portions of the 19F3A and 19F3C structures
should duplicate the 19F1A, 19F1B, 19F3, and 19F3B-B3 buildings
with the exceptions presented herein.
b) Compartments in the 19F1A and 19F1B portions of the
structure have been enlarged and fireplaces have been relocated
to accommodate the larger General Firefighting Course classes.
The 0412 students should stage at ground level and in adjacent
compartments on the second floor. Students should not travel
between floors during a training scenario. Trainees in the 0424
course should travel between floors and a landing should be
provided midway in the inclined ladder leading to Compartments 1
and 2. Doors leading from fireplace compartments in the 19F1A
and 19F1B portions should be watertight. Those used by the
trainees should be quick acting.