elements and has no provisions for removal of ice and snow;
however, associated liquid systems should be freeze protected.
Structural Features
a) A device contractor supplied steel framing should
support the mockups and grating in the fireplace opening and at
the ground storage area. The foundation for this steel framing
should be provided with the facility as follows:
(1) A reinforced concrete mat foundation should
be provided in the crawl space at the 15 850 mm by 10 973 mm
fireplace opening and should support concentrated loads from
device support columns. The concrete mat should be pile or
grade supported as required by the site soil conditions. The
concrete mat should be designed for the following column
reactions and spacings:
Column Grid Spacing
Center 4877 mm by 4877 mm area
1067 mm on center
3405 kg
Remaining fireplace area
1905 mm on center
4812 kg
(2) Column bearing area should be approximately
305 mm square and should be set in a grout bed and anchored
directly to the mat foundation. Minimum column distance to edge
of mat should be 610 mm. The mat should be designed to give the
device contractor the flexibility to locate columns anywhere on
the mat subject to minimum column grid spacing, maximum column
reactions, and minimum edge distance.
(3) Minimum mat thickness should be 203 mm.
Provide a 13 mm minimum expansion joint at the mat perimeter
isolating the mat from the remainder of the crawl space slabs.
Minimize the crack control joints in the mat foundation. Slope
mat from center high point to drains. Refer to Appendix E.
b) The training deck should be designed as a standard
training floor, 27 kg per square foot live load. There should
be no wheeled vehicles on the deck of the 19F4 structure.