UFC 4-211-02N
10 January 2005
including change 3, 13 April 2007
Floor Drains and Waste Disposal System.
Design for accidental spill of paint strippers and thinners, paint, cleaning
solvents, pretreatment chemicals, fuel, oil, aqueous film-forming foam (AFFF)
etc. Provide for zero discharge from the facility unless the facility will discharge
to an existing or new industrial waste treatment facility (IWTF) or to a municipal
sewer system. In each case, the IWTF must be capable of handling both the type
and volume of the chemicals that will be discharged. Consult the local Facilities
Engineering Command Environmental Office for appropriate discharge
standards. Provide above-grade containment of accidental spills with
appropriate sumps for pumping and cleanup of spilled wastes. Size the
containment capacity for the largest possible discharge. Provide a method to
prevent the drains from clogging.
\ Air Emissions.
Emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOC), hazardous air pollutants (HAP)
and particulates from surface coating facilities are regulated by USEPA and state
environmental agencies via various air pollution regulations, including the
National Emission Standard for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) for
Aerospace Manufacturing and Rework Facilities (40 CFR 63, Subpart GG).
Consult the base environmental office and the cognizant Facilities Engineering
Command for appropriate requirements for the site. Make every effort to achieve
compliance with applicable regulations by use of compliant coatings or other
pollution prevention alternatives vice the use of VOC/HAP emission controls.
Consider recirculation of airflow per NPFA-33 and ANSI Z9.7. See appendix D
for additional information for OSHA interpretations and the AFRL. Recirculation
allows for pollution abatement sizing equipment reduction in those areas
requiring engineering controls for attainment purposes. /2/