UFC 4-211-02N
10 January 2005
including change 3, 13 April 2007
a. As delivered and normally used PMB material is not hazardous.
This refers to material in the 12-16 Mesh size range when
delivered, and 12-60 Mesh size range when recycled.
b. Recycled media in range 12 to 80 mesh will not explode.
c. In PMB where all material is very fine i.e. all below 140 Mesh, an
explosion is likely in an explosive test chamber with a spark igniter.
d. In PMB media where all material is fine i.e. all below 40 Mesh, an
explosion is possible under some conditions in an explosive test
Locate the paint-finishing hangar with due regard to the requirement for aircraft
and vehicle access. In orienting the building, consider the prevailing wind in
relation to the intake and exhaust of large volumes of air for the ventilation
Arrange work-bays so that each has ready access to the outside and to
equipment and storage spaces of the hangar. Isolate work-bays in which
cleaning and stripping are done from work-bays in which painting and curing are
done. Administrative spaces such as work control offices may be
accommodated in mezzanines. Provide mechanical equipment rooms with
outside access.
Design each hangar for the size and configuration of the specific aircraft to be
handled. Determine work-bay dimensions, ceiling heights, and door openings by
the aircraft dimensions. Determine the number of work-bays by the workload. In
addition to the following specific requirements, design the paint finishing hangar
using the general architectural criteria for maintenance hangars, as set forth in
UFC 4-211-01N.
Use noncombustible construction materials. Reinforced concrete slabs (with
perimeter insulation) and columns with insulated masonry exterior walls are
preferred. Refer to UFC 1-200-01. Incorporate the requirements of NFPA 33.
Design roof in accordance with UFC 4-211-01N.