UFC 4-214-02
24 July 2003
5-5.1 Review Comments and Meeting. The PA/PE is responsible for assembling the review comments.
Following receipt of comments, an RFP coordination meeting should be held at the installation where the
project is to be constructed. Each reviewing agency should be provided advance notification of the
meeting place, time, and date to afford maximum participation and involvement.
5-5.2 Procedure. The PA/PE should have available, at the meeting, sufficient copies of the review
comments for distribution to the attendees. The PA/PE will act as chairman of the meeting and will
prepare and distribute minutes of the meeting indicating the agreed upon disposition of each review
comment. All comments must be answered. Particular attention shall be paid to customer comments
and concerns to ensure that customer input is maintained at all times during the RFP development.
5-6.1 Upon completion of the draft RFP review and coordination, the RFP document shall be finalized to
include all revisions required in response to review comments as well as any information which was not
available during the development of the draft. A final RFP package shall be developed and copies
should again be distributed for review to the Major Army Command (MACOM), installation, and USACE
in-house staff including design, counsel, construction, and contracting.
Comment submission
requirements for reviewing agencies will be established by the PA/PE. Fourteen calendar days should be
adequate for review of the final RFP and receipt of comments.
5-6.2 A Value Engineering study of the final RFP document shall be completed prior to advertisement.
This Value Engineering study is mandatory for all projects over million in construction cost.
5-6.3 COE Review.
The final RFP document shall be provided to Construction for review and
preparation of the BCOE Certification prior to the advertisement of the project.
5-6.4 Electronic Bid Set (EBS) Requirements. The PA/PE shall review the format of all materials which
will be incorporated into the advertised solicitation with respect to EBS considerations. Coordination with
the PDT Contract Specialist is required to ensure timely development of the electronic representation of
all the RFP requirements.
5-6.5 Quality Assurance. It is imperative that the solicitations developed receive a quality assurance
check prior to their issuance.
The project management plan shall include provisions for a quality
assurance check. The PDT should consider utilizing a sister District with Design-Build expertise or some
other independent reviewer for this check.
5-6.6 Final RFP Review and Coordination Meeting. Any comments generated during the review of the
final RFP shall be resolved at the Final RFP Review meeting. This is the last opportunity for the PDT to
include or remove requirements from the RFP prior to advertisement.
5-7.1 A source selection plan shall be developed for each project. The source selection plan shall
review and include all proposal evaluation information as well as the following information.
A description of what you are buying
A description of the source selection evaluation process
Planned presolicitation activities
The proposed evaluation factors and their relative importance
The source selection milestones
The proposal submission requirements
Evaluation/rating information worksheets
The basis for award