UFC 4-214-02
24 July 2003
evaluating proposals, stipulates design development requirements, and submission
requirements after contract award. The RFP also includes contract clauses, wage rates, special contract
requirements, and Contractor Quality Control (CQC) requirements. Drawings are also a part of the RFP
showing the project site, boundaries and topography, existing utilities and roadways, and the desired
connection points for utilities.
5-3.3 Model RFP. Volume 2 of this document contains a model RFP. The USACE Design District must
edit the STATEMENT OF WORK to ensure that the project scope and site specific data are accurately
reflected in the RFP. Project requirements and restrictions should be incorporated into the draft
document prior to submission for review. Other RFP sections should be reviewed and updated to reflect
current contracting requirements. Particular attention should be paid to Section 00110 and Section
00120. Legal and contractual aspects of the procurement require close coordination with the technical
requirements of the RFP.
5-3.4 Proposal Submission Requirements. With the development of the RFP, the proposal submission
requirements for each phase of the solicitation must begin development in this same period.
development of the proposal submission requirements must be aligned with the evaluation factors and
sub-factors chosen for the proposal evaluation.
The samples shown in Sections 00110 and Section
00120 (Volume 2) are coordinated.
Special care and emphasis shall be placed on maintaining the
proposal submission requirements at the lowest level possible which will allow the Government sufficient
confidence that the proposal addresses the needs of the Government. Excessive proposal submission
criteria discourages participation by potential offerors in the project. Once completed, the proposal
submission requirements become part of the source selection plan.
5-3.5 Evaluation Criteria. With the development of the RFP, the proposal evaluation criteria for each
phase of the solicitation must begin development in this same period. This evaluation criteria shall be
based on the acceptable model contained in Section 00120 in Volume 2. Using that information as a
basis, the PM should facilitate a `brainstorming' session with the entire PDT to validate the importance of
the various evaluation factors, sub-factors, and elements included. Rated evaluation criteria utilized
must be true discriminators between proposals. Once completed, the evaluation criteria becomes part of
the source selection plan and determines the relative importance and rankings of the various technical
and offeror capability aspects of the proposals. This evaluation criteria must reflect the requirements of
Phases 1 and 2 of the solicitation.
5-3.6 Cost Estimate. With the receipt of the Code 7 Design Directive and the preparation of the draft
RFP, the Cost Engineering Activity of the Design District should begin work on preparing and completing
the construction cost estimate. This cost estimate must include provisions for the design costs which will
be included in the proposals from contractors. Additionally, the Current Working Estimate (CWE) must
also include the Government review costs to support the review of the designs provided by the contractor
after award. The final cost estimate should be completed and forwarded to Contracting Division, with a
copy to the PM, prior to receipt of proposals.
5-4.1 Distribution. Upon completion of the draft RFP, copies should be distributed for review to the Major
Army Command (MACOM), installation, and USACE in-house staff including design, counsel,
construction, and contracting. This process should ensure that project requirements have been
accommodated and that the RFP is current and complete in all aspects. Comment submission
requirements for reviewing agencies will be established by the PA/PE. Twenty-one calendar days should
be adequate for review of the draft RFP and receipt of comments.
5-4.2 The USACE design activity will finalize and submit a concept design level cost estimate (ENG Form
3086) based on the draft RFP, including site specific support costs, to HQUSACE by 1 July of the design
year. The USACE design activity will assure compliance with the approved project DD Form 1391 and
highlight any scope or cost changes on the ENG Form 3086