UFC 4-214-02
24 July 2003
5-7.2 Sample Source Selection Staffing and Responsibilities. Each of the members of the SSEB shall
receive a Notice of Appointment Memorandum from the Contracting Officer.
This notification shall
require their signature and return to the CS.
The memorandum will outline the responsibilities of the
position as well as include the requirements for Nondisclosure, Procurement Integrity, and the specific
operating rules of the SSEB. Signed copies of this memorandum shall be kept in the Contract File.
5-7.3 Upon completion of the source selection plan it shall be staffed through District Council and the
Contracting Officer for review, approval, and signature.
This source selection plan must be approved
and signed prior to issuance of the solicitation. Where the Contracting Officer has appointed a separate
Source Selection Authority, the review, approval, and signature on the source selection plan shall be
accomplished by that individual.
5-7.4 If required, the Source Selection Authority shall designate in writing the individuals who will serve
on the Source Selection Evaluation Board.
These board members must sign the appointment
memorandum which explains the duties and responsibilities of the board members.
These signed
appointment memorandums shall become part of the contract file.
5-8.1 Those involved in the preparation of any portion of the RFP must be familiar with the process of
contracting by negotiation as detailed in FAR 15 (reference 5-2). When preparing the RFP, the goal
should be to negotiate a successful source selection with a minimum of administrative complexity. A
clearly developed RFP and source selection plan will minimize protests associated with competitively
negotiated contracts. Protests result from both errors and omissions in the RFP package, as well as from
flaws in the Government's source selection process. The following issues must be considered when
preparing the RFP:
5-8.2 FAR 15.209 (reference 5-3) requires the Contracting Officer to state whether the Government
intends to award with or without discussions. Serious consideration must be given to the proper alternate
selected for use in FAR 15.504 (reference 5-4). Use of the basic clause is encouraged.
5-8.2.1 Alternate I states that proposals will be evaluated with, and award made after discussions with
the offerors. Alternate I encourages discussions. This alternative describes the situation which occurs
most frequently, and may occur even when the basic clause is specified. Since the basic clause would
allow discussions if they became necessary, the selection of Alternate I is discouraged.
5-8.2.2 The basic clause states that proposals will be evaluated and award made, without discussions
with offerors. This alternate also reserves the right of the Government to conduct discussions if it is later
determined to be necessary by the Contracting Officer. Experience with previous solicitations indicates
that award based on initial offer, without discussions, is rarely possible.
5-8.3 Evaluation Factors. The RFP must state the evaluation factors and any significant sub-factors for
each phase, that will be considered in making the source selection and their relative importance. FAR
15.304 (reference 5-5) states that all evaluation factors, which will have a significant impact on the source
selection decision, must be included in the solicitation.
Offerors must be told of the minimum
requirements that apply to a particular evaluation factor or sub-factor, and their relative importance in the
evaluation process. FAR 15.304 (reference 5-5) states that the solicitation must clearly state the relative
order of importance of all evaluation factors and any significant sub-factors. Evaluation factors and sub-
factors may not be described using numerical weights (reference 5-6). A descriptive phrase shall be
included, such as, "sub-factors listed in descending order of importance" or "sub-factors are of equal
importance" or "this factor is the most important". See Volume 2, Section 00120, for an acceptable
5-8.4 Importance of Price. Each negotiated solicitation must describe the relative order of importance of
price to the technical evaluation criteria. Offerors must be told whether price is more, less, or of equal