UFC 4-214-02
24 July 2003
7-1.1 Receipt of Proposals. The date and time for receipt of phase one proposals will be established in
the RFP. The PDT should use this date as a milestone from which to set the tentative dates for the
7-1.2 Contracting Officer Approval. The source selection guidelines must have been written, reviewed by
counsel, and approved by the Contracting Officer prior to issuance of the final RFP.
7-1.3 Proposal Review. When the date for receipt of proposals is finalized, the PM should identify and
begin selecting the phase I review team, and block out time for reviews. Prompt handling of proposals is
necessary to assure that the review is complete and written comments prepared in an expedient manner.
7-1.4 Logistics For Evaluation of Proposals
7-1.4.1 Location. Evaluation of proposals may be held at the USACE activity or at the project
Installation. Use of the USACE activity meeting space is difficult due to possible interruptions and
demands on the evaluation staff from their normal positions, however, the use of District conference
space will likely provide the most suitable Internet access capability. The PM must ensure that all
evaluation team members understand the importance of the evaluation procedures and agree to dedicate
100% of their time to the project during the evaluation process.
7-1.4.2 Hotel. The evaluators may be in temporary duty status and will need hotel reservations. The
PA/PE is encouraged to make inquires with local hotels to obtain the best accommodation package to
serve the evaluation team.
7-1.4.3 Conference Room. The conference room should be comfortable and well lighted, but foremost it
must provide a secure location for evaluating and storing proposals. Adequate workspace shall be
provided for each evaluator allowing for review of submitted materials and the generation of evaluation
comments. The evaluation team may wish to work longer than an eight hour day, and the conference
room should be available on a twenty-four hour basis. Coordination with the Contracting Division is
required to obtain the conference room.
7-1.4.4 Telephone and Internet Access. Meeting space chosen for this evaluation must have at least a
single dedicated telephone (voice) line to allow for telephonic interviews and a dedicated internet access
port for each member of the evaluation team. The PM shall coordinate with each evaluator, well prior to
the evaluation period, as to the required computer and internet support. If the evaluators bring their own
laptop or personal computers, the PM shall coordinate with the appropriate District staff to ensure
compatibility with the internal District LAN/WAN requirements. If the evaluators are not able to bring
personal computers, the PM shall ensure that suitable computer resources are available in the evaluation
room to enable the evaluators to independently complete the review process. The provision of Internet
access and computer support is critical to the success of the Phase I evaluation process.
7-1.5 Source Selection Requirements. The Source Selection Authority shall formally establish an
evaluation group structure appropriate to the requirements of the particular solicitation. Working with the
Contracting Division, the PM should develop a list of recommended personnel to participate in the
evaluation. Each participating agency will be contacted and asked to provide the names of individuals
designated to represent their agency. Composition of the evaluation team shall ideally consist of