UFC 4-214-02
24 July 2003
Above Average/Low Performance Risk
Based on the offeror's performance record, little doubt
exists that the offeror will successfully perform the
required effort.
Satisfactory/Moderate Performance Risk
Based on the offeror's performance record, some doubt
exists that the offeror will successfully perform the
required effort.
preclude any problems.
Marginal/High Performance Risk
Based on the offeror's performance record, substantial
doubt exists that the offeror will successfully perform the
required effort.
Unsatisfactory/Very High Performance Risk
Based on the offeror's performance record, extreme
doubt exists that the offeror will successfully perform the
required effort.
7-6.1 Compilations of proposal strong/weak points, evaluation ratings, and any items requiring additional
information or clarification will be used by the PM or the Contract Specialist to prepare the Phase 1
Selection Memorandum. The selection memorandum will address all offerors, considering the results of
the Phase 1 evaluation team. Review and approval of the Phase 1 selection memorandum is required
before the potential offerors are notified of the outcome of the Phase 1 evaluations.
7-6.2 Evaluation Ratings. After evaluation of proposals has been completed, the PA/PE will compile the
final consensus ratings developed for each proposal including all documentation of the strengths and
weaknesses and forward them to the Contracting Division. Items identified by the evaluators which may
require clarification by the offerors should be directed to the Contracting Division for resolution. The
Contracting Division will also open, close, and document all clarifications with the offerors. All these
items become part of the report of the Source Selection Evaluation Board and the Phase 1 Selection
7-6.3 Up to five (5) offerors may proceed into Phase 2 of the process and be requested to provide a
technical and cost proposal, as well as additional capability information for the project.
7-7.1 Following completion and approval of the Phase 1 Selection Memorandum, the CS shall prepare
notification letters for all the offerors who provided proposals in Phase 1 of the process. The notification
letters shall indicate the result of the Phase 1 evaluation with respect to competing in Phase 2 of the
7-7.2 Proposals which are determined to represent the most qualified (up to 5) candidates of those
proposals received shall be notified in writing of their selection and provided with the Phase 2 technical
requirements, the additional capability information requirements, a price proposal schedule and any
changes to the original solicitation. If Phase 2 information is not immediately available, the written
notification shall include the date the materials shall be provided. In any case, the delay between the
notification of participation in Phase 2 and the offeror's receipt of the technical requirements should be
7-7.3 Proposals which have been evaluated and which are not being included in Phase 2 of the project
shall receive written notification of their elimination from further competition. The notification letter shall
include the contractor's options with respect to debriefings (post vs. pre-award) and shall not disclose