UFC 4-214-02
24 July 2003
5-1.1 Code 3 Directive. The Code 3 Design Directive authorizes the Parametric Effort/Design and the
development of budget cost estimate (ENG Form 3086). The Project Manager (PM) is responsible for
initiating the request for a Code 3 Design Directive after completion of Code 1 activities. The Code 3
Directive contains special instructions which must be carefully read. These instructions may include
requirements of significant impact on the project.
5-1.2 Cost Adjustments. Although the facility cost may be dictated by budget guidance, USACE design
activities have the opportunity to revise the cost estimate based on the increased knowledge of the scope
and the attributes of the site selected. USACE design activities are required to submit a revised cost
estimate, indicating revisions to scope, unique requirements, and/or special site requirements. This
submittal shall be made on ENGR Form 3086, and shall be submitted to HQUSACE, not later than 1
August of the program year, and must be submitted prior to the request for Code 7 Design Directive. AR
415-15 (reference 5-1) provides additional information.
5-1.3 Code 7 Directive. The Code 7 Design Directive is the authorization to prepare the RFP documents.
No specific RFP development activities shall take place prior to receipt of the Code 7 Design Directive.
5-2.1 Prior to developing the draft RFP the PDT shall hold at least one data gathering conference at the
installation. This conference must include all the members of the project team as well as installation
local staff familiar with utilities and specific information about the installation and the project site
specifically. The PM shall generate an attendance list and agenda for each conference.
5-2.2 The data gathering conference may also be completed as a design charette in which the initial
development of the project siting and design requirements are categorized. This charette must include
staff from the installation, the MACOM, the USACE design District, the USACE construction Division, as
well as any A-E who will be participating in the development of the RFP. The charette is typically held at
the installation to allow as many customer participants as possible. The PM shall be responsible for
documenting all results and decisions reached at the design charette.
5-2.3 It is imperative that at the completion of the data gathering conference that a list of information still
required to complete the draft RFP be identified and the following information identified for each item:
5-2.3.1 Person responsible for obtaining the information
5-2.3.2 Person who requires the information
5-2.3.3 The date the information is required without project schedule slippage
5-3.1 General.
Although the solicitation will be issued to industry in two distinct phases, the
development of draft RFP should include both phase 1 and phase 2 requirements. Every effort should
be made for this draft submission to be complete as possible so that it may be effectively reviewed and
that all missing information is clearly identified. See Chapters 6 and 8 for the requirements of each
phase of the solicitation.
5-3.2 Project Criteria. The technical portions of the RFP provide criteria for design and construction of
the new facilities, site improvements, and utilities. They also set forth the requirements for submitting