Project Name
Project No. ___________
UFC 4-214-02, TEMF, 24 July 03
and discuss user needs. The Contractor shall document all discussions. The design shall be finalized as
direct result of these meetings.
Design Review Conferences: Review conferences will be held at <INSERT LOCATION> for each
design submittal. The Contractor will bring the personnel that developed the design submittal to the
review conference. The conferences will take place the week after the review is complete.
(End of Clause)
This SCR is intended to clarify what the Government will and won't consider after award under Contract
(a) In reference to Contract Clause 52.248-3, "Value Engineering Construction", the Government may
refuse to entertain a "Value Engineering Change Proposal" (VECP) for those "performance oriented"
aspects of the Solicitation documents which were addressed in the Contractor's accepted contract
proposal and which were evaluated in competition with other offerors for award of this contract.
(b) The Government may consider a VECP for those "prescriptive" aspects of the Solicitation documents,
not addressed in the Contractor's accepted contract proposal or addressed but evaluated only for
minimum conformance with the Solicitation requirements.
(c) For purposes of this clause, the term "performance oriented" refers to those aspects of the design
criteria or other contract requirements which allow the Offeror or Contractor certain latitude, choice of and
flexibility to propose in its accepted contract offer a choice of design, technical approach, design solution,
construction approach or other approach to fulfill the contract requirements. Such requirements generally
tend to be expressed in terms of functions to be performed, performance required or essential physical
characteristics, without dictating a specific process or specific design solution for achieving the desired
(d) In contrast, for purposes of this clause, the term "prescriptive" refers to those aspects of the design
criteria or other Solicitation requirements wherein the Government expressed the design solution or other
requirements in terms of specific materials, approaches, systems and/or processes to be used.
Prescriptive aspects typically allow the Offerors little or no freedom in the choice of
design approach, materials, fabrication techniques, methods of installation or other approach to fulfill the
contract requirements.
(End of Clause)
"PARTNERING" (Optional SCR).
Encouraging the Contractor to participate in a partnering process is highly recommended in design-build
construction contracts. Why? Because D-B involves non-traditional roles and responsibilities.
Design or construction issues affect each other in time and cost and the integrated design and
construction schedule is very sensitive to delays especially when fast tracking is involved. The
Government must be more responsive to the information, review, and decision needs of the D-B
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