Project Name
Project Number
Statement of Work
UFC 4-214-02, 24 Jul 03
of 150 mm thickness of concrete.
Sewage Pump Station and Force Main. Pump stations and force mains shall only be
used when absolutely necessary. If required, pump stations and force mains shall be designed in
accordance with the [agency having jurisdiction] [base standards]. [An on-site sewage lift station
and force main shall not be required.] [An on-site sewage lift station and force main shall be
required.] [The contractor shall determine if an on-site sewage lift station and force main is required
and use only when required by the design or the existing system conditions.]
Field Quality Control for Sanitary Sewer Distribution System. The [Contracting
Officer] [Insert the appropriate person] will conduct field inspections and witness field test specified.
The contractor shall perform field tests, and provide labor, equipment, and incidentals required for
testing, [except that water needed for field tests will be furnished as set forth in [Insert appropriate
document]]. [Water needed for field tests will not be furnished by the government]. For force
mains, do not begin testing on any section of a pipeline where concrete thrust blocks have been
provided until at least 5 days after placing of the concrete. Testing procedures and requirements
shall comply with the [requirements of the agency having jurisdiction.][Insert the installation testing
Oil/Water Separators. The oil/water separator shall be designed and sized in
accordance with the guidance in the "Joint Service Oil/Water Separator Guidance Document",
available as Army Environment Center document SFIM-AEC-EQ-CR-200010.]
STORMWATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS. [Insert the agency having jurisdiction for
storm water management and drainage system design.] The storm drainage system shall be
properly coordinated with surrounding properties to ensure that runoff does not cause damage to
other properties. Treat contaminated stormwater prior to discharge from the site. All storm water
management calculations shall be based upon a 10-year storm frequency. Design storm water
management systems in accordance with the applicable requirements of "Controlling Urban Runoff:
A Practical Manual for Planning and Designing Urban BMPS", by the Department of Environmental
Programs or in accordance with the requirements of the agency having jurisdiction. The calculation
of runoff and the evaluation of existing storm sewer drainage systems shall be as described herein
paragraph entitled "Storm Drainage Collection Systems and Grading". Obtain required permits from
the agency having jurisdiction prior to construction.
Analysis of Existing System Capacity. [The contractor shall provide design
calculations that show the existing system is capable of handling the increased runoff from the
improved site.] [The Installation shall state that the existing system is capable of handling the
increased runoff from the improved site.]
Storm Water Retention/Detention System for Volume Control. [For volume control,
an on-site storm water retention/detention system shall not be required.] [For volume control, an
on-site storm water retention/detention system shall be required.] [For volume control, the
contractor shall determine if an on-site storm water retention/detention system is required, based on
the capacity of the receiving system and the installation requirements.]
Storm Water Quality Management for Runoff Treatment. [For runoff treatment, an
on-site storm water retention/detention system shall not be required.] [For runoff treatment, an on-
site storm water retention/detention system shall be required.] [For runoff treatment, an [oil/water
separator system] shall [not] be required.] [For runoff treatment, the contractor shall determine if an
on-site storm water retention/detention is required, based on the requirements of the [insert