Project Name
Project Number
Statement of Work
UFC 4-214-02, 24 Jul 03
appropriate agency].]
Location of Connections to Existing Systems. [Insert installation specific connection
location requirements.] [The contractor shall select the connection location. Establish the location
for the connection based upon economics, design requirements, and downstream capacity.]
Connect with a manhole or appropriate drainage structure.
Building Connections. Connection to building roof or area drain lines shall be
designed and constructed in accordance with the International Building Code [2000 or latest
Storm Sewer System. The storm sewer gravity drainage collection system shall be
designed and constructed in accordance with the requirements of [Insert the state or local agency
having jurisdiction] [Insert the appropriate State Department of Transportation Drainage Manual]
[Insert the appropriate State Department of Transportation Road and Bridge Specifications]. Storm
sewer system shall be designed for a minimum of a 10-year return frequency and pipes shall be
sized for full flow. The minimum velocity of flow in conduits during a design storm shall be 45
meters per minute. The pipe capacity shall be determined so that the calculated hydraulic grade line
of the storm sewer drainage system(s) shall not exceed the curb flow line grade in pavements and
the finished site grades.
Manholes. Manholes shall be located at intersections and changes in alignment or
grade. Intermediate manhole maximum spacing shall be 75 m for pipes 900mm or less in diameter
or box drains with the smallest dimension less than 900 mm. Maximum spacing for intermediate
manholes on larger pipes and drain boxes shall be 150 m. Manholes and manhole appurtenances
shall be [pre-cast concrete] [insert other acceptable materials] and shall conform to the [agency
having jurisdiction] [Insert base standard]. Shape manhole inverts to the shape of the pipe with cast
in place concrete after installing pipes. The manhole lid shall have a 600mm. minimum opening as
measured from the face of the wall or ladder where applicable.
Drainage of Grass Areas. Except at personnel and overhead doors, the difference in
grade between the finish floor elevation and the surface of the ground immediately adjacent to the
building shall be a minimum of 150 mm. Minimum slopes across grass surfaces shall be one
percent. In grass areas, overland sheet flow shall be held to a maximum length of 30 m; then, a
swale or an inlet must be used. Minimum slopes in swale centerlines shall be 0.5 percent.
Maximum swale side slopes shall be 1V: 4H and maximum swale depth shall be 600 mm. Ditches
shall not be permitted. Storm drain pipe, sheet flow surfaces, and swales shall be designed to
prevent standing water under normal conditions.
Drainage of Roads and Pavements. Provide a
positive crown in
all streets and roads.
Minimum cross slopes in streets and roads shall 1:48 and the maximum cross slope shall be 1:32.
Minimum sheet flow slopes across parking area and other paved areas shall be 1 percent. Curbs
and gutters shall be installed at a minimum longitudinal slope of 0.30 percent. Pavement collectors
for storm water shall be by curb inlets and gutters, or drop inlets. Field inlets and an underground
collection system shall drain open areas. Ditches shall not be permitted. Gutter spread (or inlet
approach spread) in roads shall not exceed 3 m when measured from the face of curb. The amount
of runoff to any one inlet in roads and parking areas shall not exceed the capacity of that inlet. The