Project Name
Project Number
Statement of Work
UFC 4-214-02, 24 Jul 03
Trenches. Water and gas mains [may] [may not] be installed in the same trench.
[Determine if the local gas utility supplier will allow installation in the same trench and incorporate
the standards of the gas utility supplier.] Water mains shall have a minimum earth cover of 750 mm
[30 in] [as specified by the agency having jurisdiction] or [Insert the installation minimum cover].
Adequate cover must be provided for freeze protection. Where frost penetrates to a depth greater
than the minimum above, greater cover will be required. Sufficient cover must also be provided to
protect the pipe against structural damage due to superimposed surface loads. Lines installed with
less cover than the minimums stated shall be concrete encased with a minimum concrete thickness
of 150 mm [6 in].
Fire hydrants. Hydrants and valves shall conform to [the requirements of the agency
having jurisdiction] or [Insert the installation's base hydrant standard]. Fire hydrants shall be
compatible with those presently in use at the installation [or by local Governments], with similar
pump and hose connections. The maximum amount of flow that can be permitted shall be
determined. Fire hydrant spacing shall be no greater that 150 m apart by paved road. In addition, a
hydrant shall be provided so that all parts of the facilities can be reached by hose lines not over 105
m long. All distances shall be calculated along the closest route that the fire apparatus must travel
(i.e.; along the curb or access lane). Each hydrant may account for a maximum of 95 liters per
second of fire protection regardless of existing pressures or water line capacity. A fire hydrant shall
be located within 15m from any fire department connection provided. Hydrant laterals shall be 150
mm minimum size, and shall not exceed 15 m in length, and shall have an underground shutoff
valve. Valve box, at each lateral, shall be located within 3 m of the hydrant, and shall not be located
where obstructed by parked vehicles, shrubbery, etc. Guard post barriers shall be provided where
hydrant locations are subject to vehicle damage.
Shutoff Valve. Each building shall be provided with a separate service and main shutoff
valve, readily accessible to maintenance and emergency personnel. Shutoff valves in walks are
Metering. [Insert the installation metering requirements] [Meters shall be equipped with
must be coordinated with installation utility systems.]
Materials. Materials for the water distribution system shall be in accordance with the
[agency having jurisdiction] [Insert installation standards]. Copper water service lines will be
dielectrically isolated from ferrous pipe. Dielectric isolation shall conform to the requirements of
[insert the agency having jurisdiction]. For ductile iron piping systems (except for ductile iron piping
under floor in soil) conduct an analysis to determine if cathodic protection and/or bonded or
unbonded coatings are required. Unbonded coatings shall conform to the requirements of the
agency having jurisdiction.
Economic Analysis. Conduct an economic analysis to determine if cathodic protection
and protective coatings should be provided for the following structures in soil resistivity conditions
above 10,000 Ohm-cm: ferrous metallic potable water lines; Concentric neutral cable; Other buried
and submerged ferrous metallic structures not covered above; Ferrous metallic piping passing
through concrete shall not be in contact with the concrete.
Field Quality Control for Water Distribution. The [Contracting Officer] [Insert the
appropriate person] will conduct field inspections and witness field tests specified. The contractor
shall perform field tests, and provide labor, equipment, and incidentals required for testing, [except