Project Name
Project Number
Statement of Work
UFC 4-214-02, 24 Jul 03
has died back, or 25 percent of the crown is dead. Determine the cause for an unhealthy plant.
Unhealthy or dead plants shall be removed immediately and shall be replaced as soon as seasonal
conditions permit in accordance with the following warranty paragraph.
3-12.1.10 Warranty. Furnished plant material shall be guaranteed to be in a vigorous growing
condition for a period of 12 months regardless of the contract time period. A plant shall be replaced
one time under this guarantee. Transplanting existing plants requires no guarantee.
Turf. Turf consists of seed, sod, and sprigs.
3-12.2.1 Seed. State approved seed of the latest season's crop shall be provided in the original
sealed packages bearing the producer's guaranteed analysis for percentages of mixture, purity,
germination, hard seed, weed seed content, and inert material. Labels shall be in conformance with
applicable State seed laws. Seed mixtures shall be proportioned by weight. Weed seed shall not
exceed one percent by weight of the total mixture.
3-12.2.2 Sod. State approved sod shall be provided as classified by applicable State laws. Each
individual sod section shall be of a size to permit rolling and lifting without breaking. The sod shall
be relatively free of thatch, diseases, nematodes, soil-borne insects, weeds or undesirable plants,
stones larger than 50mm[2 in] in any dimension, woody plant roots, and other material detrimental
to a healthy stand of turf. Sod that has become dry, moldy, or yellow from heating, or has irregular
shaped pieces of sod and torn or uneven ends shall be rejected. Sod shall be machine cut to a
uniform thickness of 32 mm within a tolerance of 6 mm excluding top growth and thatch.
Measurement for thickness shall exclude top growth and thatch. The limitation of time between
harvesting and placing sod shall be 36 hours.
3-12.2.3 Sprig Quality. The cultivar shall be provided as healthy living stems, stolons, or
rhizomes with attached roots, including two or three nodes, and shall be from 100 to 150 mm long,
without adhering soil. Sprigs shall be provided which have been grown under climatic conditions
similar to those in the locality of the project. Sprigs shall be obtained from heavy and dense sod,
free from weeds or other material detrimental to a healthy stand of turf. Sprigs that have been
exposed to heat or excessive drying shall be rejected. The time limitation between harvesting and
placing sprigs shall be 24 hours.
3-12.2.4 Soil Test. A soil test shall be performed for pH, chemical analysis, and mechanical
analysis to establish the quantities and type of soil amendments required to meet local growing
conditions for the type and variety of turf specified.
3-12.2.5 Temporary Turf Cover. When there are contract delays in the turfing operation or a
quick cover is required to prevent erosion, the areas designated for turf shall be seeded with a
temporary seed. When no other turfing materials have been applied, the quantity of one-half of the
required soil amendments shall be applied and the area tilled.
3-12.2.6 Final Turf. The turf shall be installed during appropriate planting times and conditions
recommended by the trade for the type and variety of turf specified. The turf operations shall be
performed only during periods when beneficial results can be obtained. Drainage patterns shall be
maintained. The turf shall be installed by using the methods as recommended by the trade for the
type and variety of turf specified. Immediately after turfing, the area shall be protected against
traffic or other use by erecting barricades and providing signage as required. The turf establishment
period for establishing a healthy stand of turf shall begin on the first day of work under the turfing
contract and shall end three months after the last day of the turfing operation. An unsatisfactory