Project Name
Project Number
Statement of Work
UFC 4-214-02, 24 Jul 03
DESIGN STANDARDS AND CODES. The fire protection design for all facilities shall
be in accordance with the current versions of the International Building Code and the National
Fire Protection Association (NFPA) standards and codes
\ and UFC 3-600-01 /1/.
Fire Protection Engineer. The contractor shall provide the services of a qualified
registered fire protection engineer. The fire protection engineer shall be an integral part of the
design team and shall be involved in all aspects of the design of the fire protection system.
Fire Protection and Life Safety Analysis. The fire protection engineer shall
perform a fire protection and life safety design analysis of the proposed facility design. The
analysis shall be submitted with the preliminary design submittal. The analysis shall include
type of construction; height and area limitations; classification of occupancy; building separation
or exposure protection; specific compliance with NFPA codes and the IBC; requirements for fire-
rated walls, doors, fire dampers, etc.; analysis of automatic suppression systems and protected
areas; water supplies; fire alarm system, including connection to the base-wide system; fire
detection system; fire extinguishers; interior finish ratings; and other pertinent fire protection
data. The submittal shall include a life safety floor plan showing occupant loading, occupancy
classifications and construction type, egress travel distances, exit capacities, sprinklered areas,
fire extinguisher locations, ratings of fire-resistive assemblies, and other data necessary to
exhibit compliance
[ The Activity preparing the RFP shall address the adequacy of the existing water supply to meet
the demands of the fire protection system required. The Activity preparing the RFP shall perform
or witness the required water flow testing and verify that test results are accurate. Flow testing
shall be conducted at or near the point of connection to the existing water main. Accepting
historical water supply information without verification is not acceptable. The Activity preparing
the RFP shall perform a preliminary hydraulic analysis to determine if the existing water supply is
adequate to meet the demand, or if a fire pump and water storage tank is needed. Information
shown below must be completed by the RFP preparing Activity.]
A preliminary hydraulic analysis performed using recent flow test data indicates that
the sprinkler system design for this facility will require a [fire pump] [fire pump and storage tank]
[.......]. Proposed design shall be based on test data as described below.
Flow Data:
Date and Location of Test: [______________________]
Static Pressure Measured: [___] [kPa]
Residual Pressure of: [___] [kPa] Flowing [_____] [liters/min]
The contractor shall provide detailed calculations which demonstrate that the
systems designed meet the flow demands of the sprinkler systems within the facility and the fire
department hose stream requirements from the fire hydrants.
Wet pipe sprinkler system. [All new facilities constructed in this project] [describe