Project Name
Project Number
Statement of Work
UFC 4-214-02, 24 Jul 03
12-5.1.1 Interior Wall and Ceiling Finishes.
Wall and ceiling finishes and movable
partitions shall conform to the requirements of the IBC and NFPA 101, except as follows [The
following, more stringent, interior finish requirements are included to comply with MilHdbk
1008C, Fire Protection for Facilities Engineering, Design, and Construction]:
Interior finish for exits, and exit passageways shall be Class A only.
12-5.1.3 Flame spread (FS) and smoke development (SD) shall be tested in accordance with
IBC requirements. Class C materials shall only be permitted in fully sprinklered buildings.
Cellular plastics shall not be used as interior wall and ceiling materials.
Carpeting and other textile wall coverings shall not be applied as an interior finish.
FIRE ALARM. Provide fire alarm system conforming to requirements of NFPA 72
and NFPA 101. Fire alarm system shall consist of pull stations, audiovisual devices,
control/annunciation panel and tamper and/or flow connection/supervision to the sprinkler
system. Provide supervision of fire pump where fire pump is provided. [Fire alarm system shall
tie into the base-wide system in accordance with base requirements.]
[Design Activity shall provide detailed information on the existing base-wide fire
alarm system if one exists. ]