Project Name
Project Number
Statement of Work
UFC 4-214-02, 24 Jul 03
SUSTAINABLE DESIGN GOALS. The goals for improving the sustainability of
facilities include: (a) use resources efficiently and minimize raw material resource consumption,
including energy, water, land and materials, both during the construction process and
throughout the life of the facility, (b) maximize resource reuse, while maintaining financial
stewardship, (c) move away from fossil fuels towards renewable energy sources, (d) create a
healthy and productive work environment for all who use the facility, (e) build facilities of long-
term value, and (f) protect and, where appropriate, restore the natural environment.
PROJECT REQUIREMENTS. Sustainable design techniques shall be considered
as they relate to site and building design, construction, and operation and deconstruction.
Techniques that conserve energy, improve functionality, and can be justified by life cycle cost
analysis as cost effective are encouraged.
Sustainable design is a proposal evaluation factor. The level of incorporation of
sustainable design principles will be measured through use of the Army developed Sustainable
Project Rating Tool (SPiRiT), available from the following website:
Each offeror will complete and submit the SPiRiT Facility Points Summary with the
proposal; the total point score will determine the SPiRiT Sustainable Project Certification Level:
SPiRiT Bronze, Silver, Gold, or Platinum. The certification level will be used as a proposal
evaluation factor as defined in RFP Section 00120 Proposal Evaluation and Contract Award.
Proposals that do not achieve a SPiRiT [____] certification level will be considered
Proposals that do not comply with the "Required" criteria listed in the SPiRiT
document will be considered non-conforming. For example: SPiRiT category 3.R3 CFC
Reduction in HVAC&R Equipment requires zero use of CFC-based refrigerants in new
mechanical systems. Although no credit points are available, the requirement must be met to
achieve the minimum certification level.
Some SPiRiT categories award potential points (credits) for strategies or decisions
that are not within the control of the Offeror. These areas may include installation master
planning, site selection, or involving facility users in the programming process. The Offeror will
receive points in the following credit categories for criteria met by the government: [insert the
credits earned by government actions that are not within the scope of the proposal
requirements. Especially look at SPiRiT categories 1.C1 Site Selection, 1.C2 Installation/Base
Redevelopment, 1.C10 Facility Impact, and 6.C1 Holistic Delivery of Facility]. Other than the
credits stated in this paragraph, the Offeror shall not receive points for any SPiRiT criteria that
cannot be substantiated by information contained in the proposal.