Project Name
Project No. ___________
UFC 4-214-02, TEMF, 24 Jul 03
required by the Contractor to advance the design in a timely manner. Each list shall include a
sequence number, description of action item, name of the individual or agency responsible for satis-
fying the action item and remarks. The list will be maintained on a continuous basis with satisfied
action items checked off and new action items added as required. Once a request for information is
initiated, that item shall remain on the list until the requested information has been furnished or
otherwise resolved. Copies of the list will be mailed to both the Administrative Contracting Officer and
the agencies tasked with supplying the information.
Within 30 days after Notice to Proceed, the Contractor shall submit, for approval, a complete
design schedule with all submittals and review times indicated in calendar dates. The Contractor shall
update this schedule monthly. No design submittals will be reviewed or evaluated until after receipt
and acceptance of the proposed design/review schedule.
7.2 After receipt, the Government will be allowed fourteen (14) days to review and comment on each
design submittal. For each design review submittal, the COR will furnish, to the Contractor, a single
consolidated listing of all comments from the various design sections and from other concerned
agencies involved in the review process. The review will be for conformance with the technical
requirements of the solicitation and the Successful Offeror's (Contractor's) RFP proposal. If the
Contractor disagrees technically with any comment or comments and does not intend to comply with
the comment, he must clearly outline, with ample justification, the reasons for noncompliance within
five (5) days after receipt of these comments in order that the comment can be resolved. The
Contractor shall furnish disposition of all comments, in writing, with the next scheduled submittal. The
Contractor is cautioned in that if he believes the action required by any comment exceeds the
requirements of this contract, that he should take no action and notify the COR in writing immediately.
Review conferences will be held for each design submittal at (NAME OF BASE). The Contractor shall
bring the personnel that developed the design submittal to the review conference. These conferences
will take place the week after the receipt of the comments by the Contractor.
If a design submittal is over one (1) day late in accordance with the latest design schedule, the
Government review period will be extended 7 days. Submittals date revisions must be made in
writing at least one (1) week prior to the effect submittal.
7.4 Post review conference action: Copies of comments, annotated with comment action agreed on,
will be made available to all parties before the conference adjourns. Unresolved problems will be
resolved by immediate follow-on action at the end of conferences. Valid comments will be
incorporated. After receipt of final corrected design documents upon incorporation of backcheck
comments the [USACE Design District] will recommend issuance of a Construction Notice to Proceed
(NTP). The Government, however, reserves the right to disapprove design document submittals if
comments are significant. If final or backcheck submittal(s) are incomplete or deficient, and require
correction by the Contractor and resubmittal for review, the cost of rehandling and reviewing will be
deducted from payment due the Contractor at the rate of $ 5,000.00 per submittal.
Media and Format. Present the design analysis on 8-1/2-inch by 11-inch paper except that
larger sheets may be used when required for graphs or other special calculation forms. All sheets
shall be in reproducible form. The material may be typewritten, hand lettered, handwritten, or a
combination thereof, provided it is legible. Side margins shall be 1-inch minimum to permit side
binding and head to head printing. Bottom margins shall be 1-1/4-inches, with page numbers
centered 1 inch from the bottom.
Organization. Assign the several parts and sheets of the design analysis a sequential binding
Section 01012 - Page 6