Project Name
Project No. ___________
UFC 4-214-02, TEMF, 24 Jul 03 List all references used in the design including Government design documents and industry
standards. Provide justification and brief description of the types of plumbing fixtures, piping materials
and equipment proposed for use. Prepare detail calculations for systems such as sizing of domestic hot water heater and
piping; natural gas piping; [lp gas piping and tanks] [fuel oil piping and tanks]. Indicate locations and general arrangement of plumbing fixtures and major equipment. Include plan and isometric riser diagrams of all areas including hot water, cold water, waste
and vent piping. Piping layouts and risers should also include natural gas (and meter as required), [LP
gas], [fuel oil] and other specialty systems as applicable. Include equipment and fixture connection schedules with descriptions, capacities, locations,
connection sizes and other information as required.
11.2.6 Fire Protection/Suppression List all references used in the design including Government design documents and industry
standards used to generate the fire protection analysis. Classify each building in accordance with fire zone, building floor areas and height and
number of stories. This information shall be contained in the fire protection analysis. Discuss and provide description of required fire protection requirements including
extinguishing equipment, alarm equipment and water supply. This information shall be contained in
the fire protection design analysis. Prepare a plan for each floor of each building that presents a compendium of the total fire
protection features being incorporated into the design. Provide the following types of information:
The location and rating of any fire-resistive construction such as occupancy separations, area
separations, exterior walls, shaft enclosures, corridors, stair enclosures, exit passageways,
The location and coverage of any fire suppression systems (sprinkler risers, standpipes, etc.).
The location of any other major fire protection equipment.
Indicate any hazardous areas and their classification. Prepare a schedule describing the internal systems with the following information: fire hazard
and occupancy classifications, building construction type, GPM/square foot sprinkler density, area of
operation and other as required. Hydraulic calculations based on water flow test shall be prepared for each sprinkler system
to insure that flow and pressure requirements can be met with current water supply. A list of criteria codes, documents and design conditions used. Reference to any authorized
waiver of these criteria or codes. Permits and Registration: Provide a list of all required permits and registrations for
Section 01012 - Page 11