Project Name
Project No. ___________
UFC 4-214-02, TEMF, 24 Jul 03 Load Center Panelboard Schedule(s): Schedule shall indicate the following information:
Panelboard Characteristics (Panel Designation, Voltage, Phase, Wires, Main Breaker Rating
and Mounting.
Branch Circuit Designations.
Load Designations.
Circuit Breaker Characteristics. (Number of Poles, Trip Rating, AIC Rating)
Branch Circuit Connected Loads (AMPS).
Special Features. Lighting Fixture Schedule: (Schedule shall indicate the following information:)
Fixture Designation.
General Fixture Description.
Number and Type of Lamp(s).
Type of Mounting.
Special Features. Details: Construction details, sections, elevations, etc., shall be provided where required
for clarification of methods and materials of design. Required Electrical Design Analysis: Design analysis and calculations for the electrical
systems shall be prepared by a licensed professional engineer with experience in
commercial/industrial facilities, and shall be stamped as such. The design analysis shall be separately
bound, in one or more volumes. Show functional and engineering criteria, design information, and
calculations applicable to the project. The analysis shall be organized in a format appropriate for
review, approval, and record purposes. The design calculations shall indicate methods and
references identified, and shall explain assumptions and conclusions. Voltage Drop (VD) Calculations: Select conductor sizes of primary feeders, site lighting
circuits, service laterals, and unit feeder conductors. Calculate maximum length for each phase of
each primary circuit, using a maximum allowable VD for each circuit. Calculate voltage drops for each
conductor. Maximum allowable voltage drop for site lighting and service laterals is 3%. The combined
voltage drop for the service laterals, unit feeders, and branch circuit cannot exceed 5%. Calculate the
available fault current at the main breaker for the living unit panel. Provide a coordination study to
support breaker selection.
11.3.10 Specifications: Provide final specifications. The Contractor shall make final identification of
all materials and finishes at this stage.
Design complete submittal:
11.4.1 Design Drawings: Drawings shall be 100% complete, signed and sealed by the designer of
record. All previous review comments shall be incorporated.
11.4.2 Design Analysis: Complete design analysis for all design disciplines. The final Fire
Protection and Life Safety Analysis shall be included in the Design Analysis.
11.4.3 Comment Response Package: Complete package showing all comments from all previous
reviews and the respective response and disposition.
11.4.4 This submittal shall include all drawings and design information from the 100% site/utility
submittal to form a complete design package.
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