Project Name
Project No. ___________
UFC 4-214-02, TEMF, 24 Jul 03
INSTRUCTIONS are stated in Section 00110A. Inclusion of additional drawing format standards
in the RFP is optional. If this attachment is used, it should be coordinated with Section 00110A.
Drawings shall be prepared in accordance with Section 00110A, PHASE 2 TECHNICAL SUBMISSION
REQUIREMENTS AND INSTRUCTIONS, and the following instructions on graphic format.
a. The drawings shall show sufficient detail so that they clearly delineate the proposed construction.
Original drawings shall be made on size standard size A1 [approximately 594mm x 841mm, 23 1/2" x 33"]
sheets, and CADD format as defined by the design agent. The final proposal submittal of drawings shall
also be in CADD format on A1 standard full size sheets. The revision block and title block shall be as
provided by the design agent. Design agent may request offerors to provide proposal drawings in half-
size format. [Insert Revision Block and Title Block Example at end of this attachment.]
b. The first or cover sheet shall contain the title and location of the project and the Drawing Index.
c. The drawing layout will be evaluated with care before the beginning of the drafting. Ample space,
without crowding, will be provided, not only for the required plans and details with all necessary titles,
dimensions and notes, but also for incidental information required, such as graphic scales, general and
reference notes, schedules, North Arrow, etc.
d. Sheets shall be well ordered and drawn at the scales indicated in Section 00110A. Any drawings not
specifically listed shall be drawn at a reasonable scale and suitable for reduction. Cluttered and
overcrowded layouts shall be avoided.
e. A graphic scale for each of the different scales used on a drawing shall be placed on the particular
drawing to the left of the title block. Scale shall be indicated at each plan, elevation, section, and detail,
unless all drawings on the same are at the same scale. No scale larger than 1:2 shall be used without
prior approval.
f. Sheets devoted to details should have such details reasonably spaced and arranged left to right or top
to bottom. Groups of details relating to one particular aspect should be adequately separated from other
groups and identified with a title. Sections and details of the final design should be numerous enough to
show all design features.
g. Unnecessary details or details of small standard products or items which are adequately covered by
specifications and/or catalogs shall not be included on the drawings.
h. A symbol for major disciplines should be selected to properly arrange the sheets in the package.
Adequate cross-referencing must be shown to avoid confusion and misunderstanding between disciplines.
ATT 5-1