equipment for each room keyed to the plans by room number and name.
Provide equipment data sheets for all equipment that requires utility
connections. The AE must develop the initial official project MFRCL into a
viable room-by-room listing. Coordinate substitutions or changes with the
using Military Department. The type, quantity, and location of
biological, radioisotope, fume, canopy, and laminar air hoods shall also
be indicated in the equipment list. Provide an appropriate catalog cut
sheet(s) for all items of equipment having a logistical category codes of
A, B, E, or F and any C and G items having unique utility requirements,
structural support, or space requirements.
A sketch perspective drawing depicting the proposed structure as
directed by the design agent and/or the using service. This sketch will
be the basis for the subsequent rendering requirement.
The narrative portion of the submittal, calculations, and cost
estimate shall be packaged in standard U.S. 3-ring binders with labeled
subject dividers, sequential page numbers, and table of contents.
Value Engineering Study (VE). Conduct Value Engineering (VE)
study during design following the S-3 submission in accordance with DoD
Directive 4245.8. Value Engineering Studies consist of investigations of
certain high-cost areas in a design to determine if an alternate way
exists to achieve an improved design at a lower life-cycle-cost. The main
objectives of VE studies are reduced life-cycle-cost and improved quality
of design. The application of Value Engineering shall not result in
lowering criteria or quality standards as established by the guidance in
this document or reduction in the scope of the project.
35 Percent Design Submittal (S-4). This submittal is as a minimum
35 percent of the total design effort in all disciplines and includes a
corrected and refined S-3 package based on the S-3 review. The reviewed
S-4 will be submitted to DMFO by the Design Agent and the using Military
Department. A-E participation may be required on large or complex
projects. Final scope and PA (cost) shall be determined with this
submission. The minimum requirements of this submission are the same as
described for S-3 and a copy of the VE Study. Provide load, demand,
equipment sizing, energy consumption, life cycle cost, life safety, and
other calculations for all building systems and features as applicable,
according to requirements in the text of this document, and the Design
Agent's Medical Facilities Design Office/Center standards.
This is considered the "technical submission" and all issues
regarding costs, Value Engineering Study (VE), constructability, phasing,
and any other special studies must be resolved, though the results of all
studies may not be incorporated prior to presenting this submission to
DMFO for approval. Action taken on Value Engineering proposals must be
included with this submission.
Apdx B-9