The narrative portion of the submittal, calculations, and cost
estimate shall be packaged in standard U.S. 3-ring binders with labeled
subject dividers, sequential page numbers, and table of contents.
Drawings shall be at a minimum 1:100 SI (1/8 inch scale); however 1:50 SI
(1/4 inch) scale may be necessary for clarity on equipment plans,
mechanical and electrical equipment room layouts, complex rooms or
departments, interior elevations. Half-size drawings will be provided as
stipulated in the distribution schedule.
Rendering. A final rendering is prepared after 35 Percent
Design Submission approval. A color photograph of the original rendering,
approximately 5OO mm X 400 mm (20 x 16 inch) in a 700 mm X 500 mm (28 x 20
inch) brushed aluminum frame shall be sent to DMFO. The photograph is to
reflect the 35 percent review comments and be titled, matted, framed, and
glazed with nonglare tempered glass or plexiglas. Other photographs are
to be distributed as scheduled by the Design Agent in coordination with
the using Military Department at the prenegotiation conference.
Final Design (35 percent to 100 percent). The final design phase
may be initiated only after approval of Concept Design by the DMFO. If,
in the preparation of Contract Documents (CD's), it is necessary to
deviate substantially from the approved Concept Design, such as the
rearrangement of a major medical department or a change in the
interrelationship of functional elements, design may be suspended and the
submitted for review and approval by DMFO.
Contract Documents (CD's). Final working drawings shall be
prepared only to the scale necessary for clarity, good bidding, and ease
of constructability. Where dictated by complexity, CD's shall be drawn to
1/4-inch to the foot. To reduce the sheer volume of production drawings,
those areas and disciplines not requiring 1/4 scale drawings for bidding
shall be prepared at 1/8 scale.
Comprehensive Interior Design (CID). The final design phase, at
option of using Military Department, may include a Comprehensive Interior
Design (CID) effort for furniture and accessory selection, layout and
identification, and documentation for procurement. The Comprehensive
Interior Design (CID) package is to be coordinated with the interior
finishes and colors Structural Interior Design (SID) early in the final
design phase so that the first submittal of the CID will be fully
coordinated with the building design at S-5. Subsequent selections of
furnishings and medical equipment are to be coordinated with the CID. See
Glossary, para 4.14, and para 4.17 for expanded definitions of CID and
65 Percent Submittal (S-5).
On a case-by-case basis, DMFO may
Apdx B-10