UFC 4-721-11.1
26 Nov 01
a. Area Development Plan. This subfactor is considered the most important subfactor due to it's key
contribution to the livability of the development for the soldiers. The overall site development must
compliment the requirements of the Installation Design Guide as well as provide for a safe, organized, well
thought out solution to the siting of the facilities and amenities. Original innovative site designs which
capitalize on the existing site possibilities shall be evaluated highly.
Other Considerations: Placement of parking areas, placement of pedestrian parkways, orientation of the
facilities, site lighting,
/__ / Excellent
/__ / Above Average
\ /1/ /__ / Average
\ /1/ /__ / Poor /__ / Unacceptable
Proposal Strengths. Include narrative comments with respect to proposal strengths in the area of
Area Development. Comments are required for all ratings above "AVERAGE".
Proposal Weaknesses. Include narrative comments with respect to proposal weaknesses in the area
of Area Development. Comments are required for all ratings above "AVERAGE".
Other Comments. Include any other comments with respect to Area Development Plans here.
Appendix B Page 26