Project Name
Project No. ___________
UFC 4-721-11.1, UEPH Complexes, 26 Nov 01
Below is sample wording, explaining the "Basis of Award" for a design-build contract. This sample describes the
Best Value Trade-Off Approach. This information may also be included in Section 00120, "PROPOSAL
If other than Best Value Trade-Off approach is utilized, the PDT contract specialist shall provide appropriate
clauses to be included within the contract. PDT members shall closely coordinate the selection methodology
utilized to be sure that all technical, proposal, and evaluation criteria are suitably formulated to suit the selected
Two other possible methods for award are "Lowest Cost Technically Acceptable" or "Best
Technical Solution". Design Districts are cautioned from using "Best Technical Solution" methodologies due to
the extreme cost impact.
XX.1. The Government will award a firm fixed-price contract to that responsible Offeror whose proposal,
conforming to the solicitation, is fair and reasonable, and has been determined to be most advantageous to the
Government, quality (comprised of technical approach and performance capability factors), price and other factors
considered. The rated technical evaluation criteria and price are considered approximately equal. As technical
scores and relative advantages and disadvantages become less distinct, differences in price between proposals are of
increased importance in determining the most advantageous proposal. Conversely, as differences in price become
less distinct, differences in scoring and relative advantages and disadvantages between proposals are of increased
importance to the determination.
XX.2. The Government reserves the right to accept other than the lowest priced offer. The right is also reserved
to reject any and all offers. The basis of award will be a conforming offer, the price or cost of which may or may
not be the lowest. If other than the lowest priced offer is accepted, that offer must be sufficiently more
advantageous than the lowest priced offer to justify the payment of additional amounts.
XX.3. Offerors are reminded to include their best technical and price terms in their initial offer and not to
automatically assume that they will have an opportunity to participate in discussions or be asked to submit a revised
offer. The Government may make award of a conforming proposal without discussions, if deemed to be within the
best interests of the Government."
00100 - 2