Project Name
Project Number
UEPH Complex
Statement of Work
26 November 2001
Gross building area definition. Gross building area is measured to the outside
face of exterior enclosure walls. Gross area includes floor areas, penthouses, mezzanines, and
other spaces as follows:
Areas calculated as half space. Gross area includes one-half the area of exterior
covered areas such as balconies, entries, loading platforms, breezeways, exterior corridors, and
porches. Exterior covered areas are measured from the face of the enclosure wall to the edge
of the covered area served. Stairs (enclosed or open) and elevator shafts count as half space
for each floor they serve. In UEPH buildings only, interior public corridors will be calculated as
half space (circulation spaces within the living unit will be calculated as full area).
Excluded space. The following spaces are excluded from gross area calculations:
Attic areas where average clear height does not exceed 2.13m [7 feet]; crawl spaces; exterior
uncovered loading platforms; open courtyards; normal roof overhangs and soffits for weather
protection; uncovered ramps and steps; utility tunnels; raceways; mechanical equipment
platforms and catwalks.
Gross area limitations. Maximum authorized gross building areas for each facility
are included in this paragraph. Proposals that exceed authorized gross area limitations may be
considered non-conforming.
Net area definition. Net area is measured to the inside face of the room or space
Net Area Requirements. Net area requirements for programmed spaces are
included in this chapter. If net area requirements are not specified in the Statement of Work, the
space shall be sized to: accommodate the required function, comply with code requirements,
comply with overall gross area limitations and other requirements of the RFP (for example, area
requirements for corridors, stairs, and mechanical rooms will typically be left to the discretion of
the offeror).
Functionality. Rooms shall be sized and arranged for efficient use, circulation, and
furniture placement.
Finish Requirements.
Room finishes stated in
the following paragraphs are
preferred minimums; finish selections are not limited to those listed.
Furniture Requirements. [Early in the project programming process, the RFP
preparation team must determine the scope of interior furnishings (tables, chairs, beds, etc.)
that will be required to be provided by the offerors. Subject to funding requirements, the RFP
may be written so that furnishings are not provided by the offeror (the more traditional
approach), or the RFP may be written to require offerors to provide a completely furnished,
turnkey, building. Functional and area requirements in this model SOW require the offeror to
"provide and design the space to accommodate" furnishings that would typically occur in some
spaces; furniture requirements for other spaces are to be identified by the RFP preparation