UFC 4-730-01
7 April 2006
including change 1, 20 June 2006
Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC)
Revision Summary Sheet
Description of Changes: This update to UFC 4-730-01N expands on the Navy-only UFC and
was developed with the input of all four Services--unifying the criteria for the design and
construction of Family Services Centers (FSC). Further, UFC 4-730-01N essentially reprinted
DESIGN MANUAL 37.5. This update conforms to the UFC 1-300-01, Criteria Format Standard.
In addition to unifying the criteria, the new UFC provides the following new features:
A comprehensive table of all the various programs that the four Services provide
within the FSC facility.
Provides a design approach that accommodates the new, optional Community
Readiness Consultant operational approach.
Updated references to current UFC documents.
Reasons for Update: The existing guidance was inadequate for the following reasons:
It was limited to Navy.
It did not reflect current FSC programming.
For the first time, a unified definition of an FSC facility has been developed, providing
It did not contain current references to the appropriate UFC documents.
Multiple design and construction criteria documents for each Service will not need to
be maintained
Creation of a single source reference for FSC design criteria will provide clear and
consistent guidance for the design of DoD facilities:
o Unification of criteria will lead to shorter learning curves for the A/E
o Eliminates interpretation and ambiguity that could lead to design and
construction conflicts, and
o Facilitates update and revision as better information becomes available.
Potential cost savings:
o By providing an optional design approach that accommodates the new,
alternate operational approach, construction funds will be saved by
developing smaller, more efficient facilities. While difficult to quantify
construction funds, it is reasonable to assume that the alternate operational
approach should reduce the facility by at least 5 to 10% in office area.
o The new UFC references the new Lighting UFC. With the incorporation of
this updated lighting design criteria, operational savings should result from
reduced energy costs.