UFC 4-730-01
7 April 2006
including change 1, 20 June 2006
unique demands of the military lifestyle, as defined by DoD Instruction 1342.22. The
programs and services provide information to DoD personnel and their family members,
improve life skills by fostering competencies and coping skills, encourage self-
sufficiency, and offer short-term support and assistance when necessary.
Specifically, there are numerous programs intended to satisfy these
needs. However, these specific programs vary among the Services. Each Service
names their programs differently and may provide some of the programs through
facilities other than FSCs. Table 1-1 addresses the different names for the various
programs provided by each Service and categorizes them under a generic program
name. Throughout this UFC, the generic program category name is used for simplicity.
Table 1-2 lists the functional spaces in an FSC and indicates whether they are required
or optional for each Service.
While the variation among the Services is significant, the programs
provided and functions accommodated by the FSC generally fall into four categories:
Federally-mandated programs,
Additional programs,
Crisis action/response function, and
Other administrative or support functions.
Federally-Mandated Programs. Federally-mandated programs that each
Service must provide (but not necessarily in an FSC) include the following:
Relocation assistance program,
Transition assistance program,
Family advocacy program, and
Exceptional family member program.
Additional Programs. Additional programs that are generally (but not
necessarily) provided through an FSC include the following. Note that while different
Services may use different program names, most of these programs are similar in
function. Table 1-1 notes the Services' various program names.
Aide/Emergency support,
Deployment support,
Employment support,
Financial management,