UFC 4-730-01
7 April 2006
including change 1, 20 June 2006
For populations less than 500, accommodate the FSC functions in other,
non-dedicated facilities. Consider multiple facilities for very large or geographically
dispersed populations.
Optional Spaces. Once the size classification has been determined,
select the desired optional spaces (see paragraph 1-3 for more information on optional
spaces). The Base/Installation/Station representatives, in conjunction with the project
manager, must decide which optional spaces to provide.
SPACE PROGRAMS. Once the size classification has been determined
and the optional spaces selected, the facility space program is determined by using
Tables C-1 through C-4 in Appendix C. These tables show the basic functional spaces
and the appropriate area for those spaces organized by size classification. Service
Exception: For Air Force facilities, refer to Air Force Handbook (AFH) 32-1084, for
FSC space requirements. Some spaces not included in AFH 32-1084 may be required
for FSCs. The minimum space requirements for those spaces are included in Table C-
The space programs illustrated in Tables C-1 through C-4 serve as
guidelines for the FSC planning team. The final space requirements for elements such
as toilets, mechanical spaces, parking, etc. are governed by codes and must be
determined by qualified designers. Additionally, the final space requirements for the
FSC programmed spaces will also need to be carefully determined by Installation
representatives and the appropriate Service program office guided by the criteria in this
Space Program Tables.
Tables C-1.1 through C-1.4 illustrate the complete Army space program
and include both the required and optional spaces. Develop the space program for an
Army FSC using these tables independent of the other Services.
Table C-2 illustrates the size program for the elements of an FSC that are
"unified" among the Navy and Marine Corps. These are the spaces that both of these
Services include in their FSC facilities.
Table C-3 illustrates the Navy-specific spaces and includes both the
required and optional spaces. The total Navy FSC space program is generated by
combining the total of the unified spaces in Table C-2, the total of the required Navy-
specific spaces, and the total of the selected optional Navy-specific spaces.
Table C-4 illustrates the Marine Corps-specific spaces and includes both
the required and optional spaces. The total Marine Corps FSC space program is
generated by combining the total of the unified spaces in Table C-2, the total of the
required Marine Corps-specific spaces, and the total of the selected optional Marine
Corps-specific spaces.