UFC 4-730-01
7 April 2006
including change 1, 20 June 2006
As noted above, the space program for Air Force FSCs is provided in AFH
32-1084. Table C-5 illustrates the space criteria for some potential additional spaces
that are not included in AFH 32-1084.
Space Allocation Standard. The tables calculate the estimated area for
each functional space based on a Space Allocation Standard. This standard provides
the space required for the smallest possible unit of the functional space in question. For
example, the Space Allocation Standard for a Classroom provides the space needed to
seat 15 people--since it is understood that the Services would not plan a Classroom for
fewer than 15 people. The space standard is then multiplied to accommodate additional
classroom space as needed. Note that the space programs do not dictate how this
space is to be used. If the program suggests that space is needed for 60 people (four
groups of 15), it could be configured as either one large partitionable room or multiple
smaller rooms as best serves. See paragraph 4-6 for more information on Classrooms.
ESTIMATED STAFFING. The space program tables also include
estimated facility staffing by size classification. This is provided as an additional tool for
planning personnel to judge facility requirements. Note that in smaller facilities, staff
positions may be shared so that the total number of "positions" accommodated by the
facility may not equal the total number of staff. Further, staff positions may not be
shared consistently from facility to facility. Therefore, final staffing must be carefully
determined by the appropriate installation and program office personnel. The numbers
provided in this UFC serve as a rough guideline only.
Service Exception: For Air Force staffing, refer to AFMS 16F1.
LOCATION DETERMINANTS. Several factors determine the most
appropriate and cost-effective location for an FSC.
Site Size. Ensure adequate site space for the following elements when
selecting the FSC site:
Parking space for customers and staff,
Space and access for the Lending Locker loading dock/exterior access,
Service drive, and
Antiterrorism (AT) setback criteria. See paragraph 3-8 for more
information on antiterrorism requirements.
Customer Access. Design the FSC to be easily accessible by all
potential facility customers. The importance of access by spouses, dependants, or non-
active duty personnel that may be coming from off Installation must not be overlooked.
Consider locations such as near the Installation gate or other high activity
or population centers such as the commissary, retail exchange, medical facilities, or
"one-stop shopping" areas. As an alternative, consider locating the FSC off-installation