DG 1110-3-146
Design Guide: Military Police Facilities
General Planning and Design Guidance: Environmental Service Sub-Systems
December 1979
(2): Water Heaters Water heaters for domestic hot
(10) Fire and Smoke Control Fire and smoke con-
water use should be sized in accordance with TM
trol in air-handling systems must be in accordance
5-810-5, with steam or hot water required being
with NFPA Standard 90A. Standpipes and fire hose
supplied by the heating system. Domestic hot water
cabinets should be provided in buildings two stories
recirculating pumps should be used to maintain
high and over with more than 10,000 square feet on
water temperature at the plumbing fixtures Refer to
any floor. Standpipes shall be as required by DOD
TM 5-810 -5 instructions.
Construction Criteria Manual 4270.1-M and NFPA
standards 13 and 14.
(3) Sanitary Drainage Systems The vertical rela-
All plumbing requirements should be provided in accor-
tionship between existing installation sanitary sewer
dance with DOD Construction Criteria Manual 4270.1-
lines and facility services should be such that the
M and technical manuals and regulations governing
proper installation of a sanitary drainage system will
special sub-system requirements. TM 5-810-5 is a pri-
provide a flow by gravity and convey drainage from
mary reference document for special equipment re-
all plumbing fixtures and equipment to primary sani-
quirements, and DOD Construction Criteria Manual
tary sewer systems. Where site conditions are such
4270.1-M contains tables providing basic design guid-
that direct gravity flow is not possible, sanitary
ance for the allocation and scheduling of plumbing
drainage below the Invert elevation of the primary
fixtures. Where special conditions dictate the selection
service system should be collected and pumped out
of a site for project development that is not adequately
of the facility, as prescribed in TM 5-814-2. Below-
serviced by primary water and waste disposal systems,
ground vaults for equipment, discharge connection
it may be necessary to connect building service lines
and cleanouts are required when such conditions
to these systems at some distances: this requirement
exist. The cost of this additional plumbing require-
should be guided by engineering criteria contained in
ment should be considered as a factor in favor of
TM 5-813-5 and TM 5-814-1.
alternate site selection.
(1) Hot and Cold Water Plumbing Service Hot and
cold water service requirements are similar to
(4) Storm/Water Drainage Systems Site and fa-
civilian domestic systems employed in buildings
cility storm drainage and interior floor drains should
with needs similar to military police facilities. While
flow by gravity to the main drainage system. The need
specific guidance for military construction does not
for additional sump pumps will depend on the loca-
exist, a comparison of Tables 10-1 and 10-6 in DOD
tion and type of storm/water drainage system used
Construction Criteria Manual 4270.1-M may assist
by the local installation. Where interior roof drains
in a decision on the allocation of services. In all
are provided, they should be designed in accordance
cases, separate male and female toilets will be pro-
with TM 5-810-5 and integrated with site drainage
vided for use by visitors and staff. lndividual deten-
in accordance with TM 5-813-5 and TM 5-814-1.
tion and holding facilities will be provided in the
Floor drains should not be connected with the roof
lounge area for servicing breaks and field office
drainage system