DG 1110-3-146
Design Guide: Military Police Facilities
December 1979
Space Organization Considerations: General
Chapter 4
functional areas. In such cases, special functional re-
a. BASIC REQUIREMENTS The development of
quirements and existing conditions should be carefully
specific space organization principles is a basic require-
reviewed by the using service in identifying specific ap-
ment of the project development process. Space or-
ganization principles are used to develop the individual
facilities-planning and space layout guidelines which
will govern subsequent design development. The local
using service must determine the appropriate organiza-
eral factors that govern the Identification of appropriate
tion-of site elements which will be used in the develop-
space organization principles. These primarily Involve
ment of pre-design concepts. Space organization
requirements for consistency in the function and opera-
principles will normally be developed in support of func-
tion of military police facilities and in the location of and
tional requirements and prepared as supplemental data
relationship between principal organizational, building
(illustrations, diagrams, etc.) for inclusion in the Project
and site elements. The following factors should be con-
Development Brochure (PDB). Requirements for es-
sidered in all cases.
tablishing space organization principles for individual
(1) Image A major and consistent objective in the
military police activites and organizations are described
development of both new and existing facilities is the
in Sections 4-2 through 4-5. In developing the space
need to create a positive public image of military
organization principles most appropriate to the indi-
police activities. The public (military and civilian) must
vidual mission/function needs and local requirements,
not be confused in Its perception of law enforcement
the using service must consider.
activities as accessible and helpful. Thus space or-
(1) The functional characteristics of individual mili-
ganization principles must not inhibit the public's
tary police activities and organizational elements.
access to the services and assistance of police fa-
cilities. The creation of a positive public image is
(2) The physical characteristics of the functions,
essential to the effectiveness of military police com-
spaces and building and site facilities required by
munity service programs.
individual military police organizations.
(2) Organization Consistency in the arrangement
(3) The special operational and environmental re-
and function of organizational elements and individ-
quirements of individual activity spaces, general
ual functional activities is essential to a uniform
functional areas and the entire facility.
application of the standard operating procedures of
(4) The combined functional equipment and per-
the Army's military police program. This consistency
sonnel requirements and mission/peculiar planning
will be accomplished by establishing space organiza-
and design considerations specific to individual or-
tion principles that reflect the needs of similar work-
ganizational components.
ing relationships and operating conditions rather
than the scale and intensity of individual operations.
b. PREREQUISITES Pre-design concepts are based
(3) Planning and Design Standards Regarding fa-
on space organization principles appropriate to the
cilities-planning and design standards, internal space
specific needs of the local using service. Before appro-
organization and building and site layout should ad-
priate space organization principles can be established,
here to generic functional requirements. Mechanical
however, the using service must review preplanning
and technical requirements and environmental and
decisions, operating agency guidance, and local re-
structural systems layout should not be significantly
quirements as well as give careful consideration to the
affected by minor changes in the size of operational
general planning and design guidance contained in
Chapter 3.
istics of MP activities and organizations must be care-
c. SUBSEQUENT USE Once appropriate space
fully evaluated to maintain continuity between existing
organization principles are identified, these principles
approved functional and physical relationships and
will be used by design evaluation and using service
new operational requirements.
personnel to ensure that architectural solutions achieve
(5) Economy Space organization principles should
functionally desirable results. The various principles of
provide for the economic construction of building
space organization described in this chapter can also be
and site elements and allow for the development of
used to develop requirements for improvement in the
efficient support facilities.
organization of existing individual activities and general