DG 1110-3-146
Design Guide: Military Police Facilities
December 1979
Space Organization Considerations: Physical Characteristics
ular attention must be given to identifying site ele-
ments peculiar to the individual military police activ-
identification of appropriate site and building charac-
ities and organizations.
teristics for specific projects depends on the functional
(b) The compatibility of internal functional activity
characteristics of the individual activities included in the
and external operational requirements with adjacent
project and the way activities within the various functional
land use and physical development. Careful consid-
zones are organized. The following principal site and
eration of private and public activity requirements is
building characteristics should be studied by the local
using service in developing specific physical develop-
ment and space organization principles.
(c) The requirements for site development flexibil-
ity and future expansion of major site and building
(1) Site Characteristics Refer to the guidance con-
tained in Figures 4-3, 4-4, 4-5, 4-6, and 4-7 in de-
(d) The site boundary and developable area limi-
termining space organization principles related to
location and site configuration. Individual projects
(e) The requirements for able-bodied and handi-
require a comprehensive evaluation of the site and
capped access (pedestrian and vehicular) on the part
building constraints imposed by:
of visitors and staff.
(a) The site development requirements related to the
(f) The projected requirements for organizational de-
exterior operational needs (access, parking, secure
storage, impoundment, guard mount, etc.). Partic-