DG 1110-3-146
Design Guide: Military Police Facilities
December 1979
Space Organization Considerations: Physical Characteristics
Figure 4-4 Public/Private Functional Areas
Front (Public) vs.
Back (Private)
All MP facilities, regardless of size, have a
basic need to be organized with a distinct
public and private functional area.
The public area creates the "Image" expressed
to the military community by MP, and thus
should be an architectural statement that is
open, inviting and compatible with other
service facilities on the base.
The private area, because of its functional
requirements for security and secrecy, will
likely result in an external architectural expres-
sion that is more closed than open.
Figure 4-5 Location and Siting Considerations
Site vs. Image
An MP facility is best located in close proximity
to other community service facilities, which
are likely to be clustered with adjacent shared
parking areas. This can be expected to result
in a 360 visual exposure for the MP facility-
and an accompanying "Image" problem related
to the "Private" side or 180 of the total.