Design Guide: Military Police Facilities
DG 1110-3-146
December 1979
Space Organization Considerations: General
are functionally compatible and generally correspond to
e. FUNCTIONAL OBJECTIVES Space organization
the "Public" and "Private" activity groupings described
principles should satisfy mission peculiar requirements
under physical characteristics in Section 4-3. It should
and operational objectives, which are generic to all
be noted, however, that certain of the activities overlap,
military police activities. Space organization principles
and all Interact. Therefore, the local using service must
must provide for:
accurately describe individual activities in terms of their
(1) The development of a functionally integrated and
primary or predominant organizational characteristics.
operationally responsive facility.
In general, the grouping of military police activities ac-
(2) The maintenance of functional integrity within
cording to functional compatibility lends itself to the
individual activities and general functional areas.
arrangement illustrated in Figure 4-1.
(3) The separation and control of visitor/staff circula-
(1) Administrative (Public) Activities W h e n
tion within and between major activity areas.
describing the organizational characteristics of ad-
(4) The definition of a clear order of movement from
ministrative activities, consider the needs of both
public to private to confidential activity areas.
administrative and operational functions. For exam-
(5) The provision of physical requirements and en-
ple, Registration Services, while primarily adminis-
vironmental services which maximize energy effi-
trative (service oriented) in functional responsibility,
ciency and building economy and minimize long-
supports the informational needs of several opera-
term operating and maintenance costs.
tions sections. Similarly, Community Relations, while
performing its primary function of planning and co-
(6) The flexibility to rearrange or expand individual
ordinating activity that interacts with the community,
activity areas or to change or adjust basic law en-
also interacts, with each of the operations sections.
forcement or administrative support techniques with-
Operations Administration, while performing its pri-
out the major interruption of unaffected activities.
mary function of supervising the activity of all of
the operations sections, routinely provides informa-
tional assistance to the public in an administrative
(or public services) capacity.
Functional Characteristics
(2) Operations (Private) Activities In terms of ac-
curately describing the organizational characteristics
of operations activities, their functions fall primarily
activities can be categorized into two principal func-
within the military police Operations branch. How-
tional groupings. Administrative (Public and Police
ever, the general supervisory functions of operations
Services) and Operational (Law Enforcement) activities.
activities are considered to be office-type functions
The organizational characteristics of these groupings