Design Guide: Military Police Facilities
DG 1110-3-146
Space Organization Considerations: Physical Characteristics
December 1979
Physical Characteristics
a. GENERAL Specific space organization principles
organization of individual activities and general func-
must identify the physical characteristics appropriate to
tional areas in accordance with the objectives stated
individual MP facilities. In identifying the appropriate
above. In establishing individual space organization
physical characteristics, the using service must indicate
principles, every attempt should be made to apply
the need for expansion and flexibility in functional activ-
facilities planning criteria consistent with overall military
ities, requirements for building and site location, build-
construction objectives. However, actual requirements
ing structure and the satisfaction of future development
may reflect the difference between the application of
needs. The identification of appropriate physical char-
general DOD space allocation criteria and the develop-
acteristics for the entire facility will generally depend on
ment of specific functional requirements for essentially
the type of activities to be included in the project. Thus,
operational activities. In general, the facilities planning
it is necessary to identify the specific requirements and
criteria for military police activities will allow the provision
characteristics of individual administrative and opera-
of functionally effective and operationally efficient facili-
tions activities. These activities generally correspond to
ties which are responsive to the unique requirements of
the "Public" (administrative) and "Private" (operations)
the local using service. In order to accomplish this, the
descriptions below.
using service must provide information regarding the
following facilities planning factors before developing
specific space organization principles.
(1) Public Activities Public activities generally In-
(1) Facility Location The effectiveness of the mili-
clude police community services, such as: com-
tary police as a community service organization
munity relations, including public information and
depends on operational relationships established be-
assistance programs to develop public awareness,
tween related functional activities, such as the CID
understanding and voluntary support for installation
and SJA, and the other activities that provide instal-
law enforcement and crime prevention programs,
lation support. The local using service must identify
general MP administrative and police service func-
the importance of these relationships in order to
tions, which compile data and provide informational
determine the proper location of military police facil-
assistance and guidance to Installation activities and
ities. Proper location will also depend on long-term
units; and registration, traffic and liaison services,
organizational relationships and operational objec-
which Include direct contact with local civilian coun-
tives of Individual military police activities and on spe-
terpart agencies in addition to the general public.
cific programs for the colocation and comprehensive
Public activities might require administrative support
development of related law enforcement, criminal
spaces, such as a large conference or meeting room,
investigation and criminal justice facilities.
public lounge or records areas, etc.
(2) Access Control In all Instances, whether for a
single activity or for an entire facility, the control of
(2) Private Activities Private activities are generally
public access is essential to maintaining the func-
categorized as operations or on-duty activities asso-
tional integrity of military police operations. It is, there-
ciated with the principal responsibilities of a military
fore, essential that the using service provide specific
police organization, law enforcement crime preven-
requirements for the separation of public and police
tion, investigation and physical security. These activ-
activity dress and the control of visitor access. Re-
ities include such special operations spaces as the
quirements for accessibility should not conflict with
MP Desk, Duty Officer and Duty Investigator suite.
on-going functional activities, whether administrative
Prisoner/Offender Processing area and Patrol Activ-
or operational in nature.
ities, including briefing, training and on-duty reports
preparation. Private activities might require general
(3) Functional Groupings Special conditions or
operations support spaces such as lockers, showers
unusual planning criteria affecting the organization of
and break areas for both uniformed and non-uni-
functional activities must be identified by the using
formed military police personnel, interior and exterior
service. This information will be used to group activ-
operations storage areas for on-duty equipment and
ities according to functional and physical charac-
emergency fire arms.
teristics, establish a clear, efficient and distinct pattern
of circulation, determine the need for flexibility in
function and space, and identify areas requiring spe-
cial mechanical or structural consideration.
ing and site requirements will be based on a proper