UFC 4-730-10
15 June 2006
Provide Lighting System per Paragraph 3-6.4.1. Provide energy efficient lighting with instant-
start feature. Provide doors with a signaling system to indicate fully raised doors. A red/green
indicator should be located on the driver's side at 1800 mm (6 ft) above finished floor.
CCTV. Provide interior and exterior outlets located to provide adequate coverage of the
Apparatus Bay and facility's main entrance.
CATV/Internal Video. None required.
PA/Audio. Provide speakers and horns with visual element.
Telephone. Provide one line with internal two-way communication.
Data. Provide data drops as required by equipment.
Security. None required.
None required.
Provide 4300 mm by 4300 mm (14 ft. by 14 ft.) apparatus bay doors, with electric eye, and/or
automatic reverse device. For ARFF bays provide 5500 mm by 5500 mm (18 ft. by 18 ft.)
Fixtures &
doors as recommended by NFPA 403. Even if ARFF vehicles are only intended to be housed
on one side of a double bay, provide the 5500 mm by 5500 mm (18 ft. by 18 ft.) doors on both
sides to permit drive through and to allow flexibility of use.
Provide manual means to open doors in case of power failure. If solid door panels are used,
provide insulated doors. Consider providing doors with radio-operated closing devices that can
be activated from the vehicle.
Ensure both the internal floor slope and the approach drive slope allow the fire protection
vehicles to transition into and out of the Apparatus Bay without bottoming-out or without
impeding driver sightlines.