Design Guide: Recreation Centers Design Considerations January 1976
Figure 3-11 Use of Built-in and Movable Furniture
pursuits such as music practice, studying and
mainly decorative, should also incorporate
useful information such as room numbers,
directional indicators, Army insignia, and club
(3) Interior Finish and Color Coordination.
identity. Care should be taken in their design so
Finish materials must be selected in conjunc-
that they can be effective in livening up spaces
tion with color selection. The color, texture,
and producing interest in large rooms or
and pattern of materials should complement
circulation spaces.
the overall design scheme and be in character
with the desired image of the using service and
the installation/command. Native (local) mate-
(1) General. Signage requirements will be
rials should be used to the greatest extent
developed as an overall graphics system to
practicable. Long-life materials such as stones,
identify spaces, provide directional informa-
tiles, woods, plastics, and vinyls should be
tion, and convey messages about control (no
selected to provide attractive colors, textures
smoking, etc.). Detailed requirements of the
and patterns that will not quickly become
using service will be coordinated at the local
level. The system should assure maximum
(4) Supergraphics. Supergraphics,
economy, ease of procurement and installation,