Design Guide: Recreation Centers - Individual Space Criteria - January 1976
4-8 OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES (continued)
of pedestrians. Parking provisions for the
(1) Function. This area serves to store
physically handicapped shall be provided
vehicles of users and recreation services; for
nearest their trip designation. The design
occasional use as a program space to exhibit
features shalI include depressed curbs, ramps,
antique or custom cars, or motorcycle events.
Activities center around driving and parking
paved walkways and special parking stalls to
vehicles and walking to and from the Center.
accommodate the operation of wheel chairs
from either side of the parked vehicle. Care in
(2) participants. Small groups of 1-6 people
planning must be exercised so that individuals
totaling approximately 400 people.
in wheel chairs and persons using braces and
(3) Size. Non-organization vehicles: Cur-
crutches are not compelled to wheel or walk
rently, parking must be provided for 2% of the
behind parked vehicles.
enlisted population served; as outlined in DOD
Planting in medians and large islands should be
Manual 4270.1-M. If an analysis of parking
provided to screen and alleviate the bleak effect
requirements demonstrates that the following
of broad expanses of paving, to help identify
are inadequate, then a space exception with
the traffic and parking patterns visually, and to
provide an aesthetic balance between these
through command channels for approval.
areas and the building.
No. of Cars
Recognition should be made of the growing
demand of bicycle usage at Recreation Centers.
12,700 SF Center 40
12,600 SF
Coordination is required with the using service
19,800 SF Center 80
25,200 SF
to determine the magnitude of traffic flow and
27,800 SF Center
31,500 SF
to anticipate needs for bicycle facilities. If
provisions for bicycles are justified and parking in
315 SF per car
needs have been established by the using
(4) Relationships. The parking area should
service, bicycle racks shall be provided near the
be adjacent to the entry court and connect to
door, of the trip destination, well away from
the service drive to minimize paving require-
any vehicular traffic congestion and parking.
ments. Walking distance from a parked car to
Provide facilities for motorcycle parking in
the entrance should not exceed 300 feet. Care
coordination with the using service.
should be taken to minimize mixing of service
(6) Technical Requirements
traffic with visitor traffic.
(5) Design Considerations. Parking areas
should be designed for easy entrance and exit,
5 ftc
and shall provide 90 degree parking whenever
quartz tubes
automatic time switch at
Vehicular entrances to parking area should be a
minimum of 100 feet from any traffic
control desk
Parking area should be laid out to provide an
efficient service arrangement for deliveries and
ing areas are required.
trash removal and safe, convenient and pleasant
(b) Plumbing
pedestrian areas.
Hose bibb
There should be a drop-off area at the entrance
to the building.
(c) Surface
Parking aisles and main walks should point
Paving area: bituminous paving
toward the building for safety and convenience