Design Guide: Recreation Centers Spatial Organization January 1976
Figure 5-1 Spatial Organization Conceptual Diagram
a. ORGANIZATION. Based on the activity
analyses, the Recreation Centers should be
spatially organized to focus all small group
activities on the central program area with the
transitional spaces integrating the two elements.
A hierarchy of characteristics should be
established which orders the activities away
from the central program area according to size
large to small; active to passive; communal to
private. Highly used areas should be strate-
gically located to draw users past new activities,
This arrangement encourages movement, social
interaction, and allows direct control of the
greatest possible area and the largest number of
b. SCHEMATICS. Several basic spatial organi-
zation schemes can be developed by manip-
ulating the transitional space. Each scheme is
evaluated in terms of activity interrelationships,
flexibility of use, adaptation to site and climate
variables, and provision for expansion (see
Table 5-2).